
The madness and the sickness can be overwhelming. But the weight of silence is a bigger burden. Thank you for writing and embracing the path truth. I know the world is not hopeless when there are people of truth walking upon it.

Hey, thanks for reading. I hate to ask, but I just posted an important topic I am hopeful as many as possible will read. I know you just gave me 2 votes, so understand you might not want to use anymore. But the information is much more important that a vote and am hoping you might read it when you get a chance. I find it frightening really, and I didn't post it but notice California seems to be the only state trying to take an oppositional stance to it.

I don't know what to say here . I found it refreshing and honest . Full of truth and tuff love
I am just going to resteem it . a must read

Thank you my friend.

This is what I am talking about, it's that 'real shit'. Probably too big of a bite for many people, but for some it's a tasty treat!

Thank you my friend. I knew you would like it.

I liked this a lot

The biggest problem with your post is the fact that most cannot abide the truth. I loved the real truth

The problem with telling lies, is it is used as a tool to not see one another. Not see the damages or rewards of an action or thing. People miss out on the quality not only of themselves, but their neighbors.

Very refreshing to find someone with there head three feet from there butt instead of all up in it.LOL

Hahaha, thanks. Yeah, most people hate the truth as it involves self examination.

Whoever is careless with truth in the in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. - Einstein

It always amazes me how much grief I get from people for being honest. It's as if society has conditioned people to be comfortable, even if the comfort is reclining in lies.

Great post!

It has. I have the feeling I imagine a farm animal must feel that one day realizes why they are all being fattened up but can't do anything about it.

Truth relies on the cynics to call out peoples false truths. Putting in the work to expose others is a path less profitable but much more rewarding in virtue. Good job!

Thanks so much for the kind words @praticalthought and the nomination - it means a lot to me :)

You earned them. Your conduct here has many positive ripples. Thank you for making this platform a better place by thinking of others as you do.

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