Sexuality and morality ... Much to talk about ...

in #community6 years ago (edited)

Morality makes us see sexuality as a problem, but ...

Sexuality as such is not a problem. In fact, it is the most natural thing there is. Men and women define their sexuality and create life, not only in humans but throughout the planet. It is seen as a moral problem when expressed freely or when it is different from of majority.

An example of this is the person who admits to having a fetish, which is determined in a sexual taste by some non-conventional object or individual. That person can be marked by his sexuality, not by not knowing what he is (man or woman), but by what he likes.

Just as it can also be homosexual, it is here when the subject is cataloged as a moral problem, for the simple fact of being frowned upon within society. Education for millennia has been one, man and woman must be together, if not, then it does not work. Many say that it is due to lack of tolerance or understanding, but if that were the case, to admit and enjoy the sexuality of each individual would not be a moral problem.

It is something that goes beyond, something that transcends generations, and that is encrypted in our DNA, called preservation of species. A woman and a man make life, two men or two women do not live. For this reason personal sexuality is frowned upon, when it is different from the usual one.

Sexuality is not a moral problem. How, when, where and with whom you practice it, that can be considered a moral problem.

Are the genital devices determinants in sexuality?

Sexuality can not be limited only to the genital system. Even the mental and psychological part can have more weight on a person's sexuality than their own genitals. There are men who feel like women, there are women who feel they are men, and that is in the mental part, even though their bodies look the opposite.

Currently there are many types of sexuality, including asexuality, which means that the person does not feel sexual desire towards anything, but does not imply that he does not have a genital tract, or that he does not know if he is male or female, it simply means that he has a different sexuality the one of the others. For this reason it is that you can not encapsulate sexuality in a bubble that only has two options.

Youth and sexual repression

Repression originates because the natural instincts towards sexuality are very strong and have been repressed in order to comply with the restrictions imposed by a civilized life in society.

What constitutes or can constitute a sexual repression has a subjective character and can vary radically according to the cultures, the different moral systems and the social or personal trajectory of the individual. Many critics of religions have accused them of fomenting sexual repression.

Adolescence is a time of great emotional outbursts, of rapturous passion and frequent failures. The sexual repression imposed by adults in the past was the cause of youthful opaqueness, exacerbated by the social rigor of the time, and which, added to the inexperience of young people, often led to sexual neuroses.

The sexuality of youth was years ago much more limited and also covered by dark veils of guilt. Today, young people start sexually perhaps too precociously and brandish their sexual expressions as a symbol of vigor and independence.

What happens morally with female discrimination

Discrimination against women has been present in humanity since the beginning of time when the human being was created, and it grew as the number of individuals, societies, races, ages, colors, economy and development of the population increased. . mind, territorial possession, strength, rank, preparation, among others.

This predominates because even reality and biology have imposed differences that have been used so that people are treated differently, according to their sex. Throughout the history of humanity and in almost all the ends of the earth, the idea that women are inferior to men, intellectually, morally and physically, has been maintained.

Different movements of women in the world, have struggled to uproot from society all those myths in which the patriarchal society (understood as male supremacy) based its approach to the alleged biological, intellectual and moral inferiority of women.

These myths deeply rooted in societies, about the supposed inferiority of women, favored through time and geography the female subordination in societies and with it, also, the survival of violence against women as an ignored and passively accepted subject as a destination for them, the victims.

For all these reasons, discrimination against women is considered an immoral act, since for a long time it has had to endure different types of abuse. However, today there are laws and writings that guarantee that all people are born free, equal in dignity and rights, without distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition

Advantage of women when using their sexuality.

It is something that has happened for thousands of years, many women use their sexuality to obtain advantages as regards men; "the flesh is weak and instinct always prevails". Men like to be seen with a beautiful woman, and women like to be pampered, but there are those who take that to another level. Morally speaking, it should not happen. In today's society everyone should be able to get what they want by their own means (work and effort), but there are those who decide to take an easy path. Of course, the decision of which path to take is left by each person


Thanks @arthurjnr. I'm starting on Steemit, and any response received serves as a stimulus to continue

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