in #community6 years ago (edited)

We live always in a hurry, we put aside our smiles and our minds ar always busy, always hacked by our old and newest problems.
We forget to say the words that could keep us loving one another, and no promise is enough to recover the time we lost the day before.
And time goes by, dragging mercy less all our unfulfilled dreams, breaking in pieces the little love we have left.
Take sometime to love yourselves,
take sometime to dream again.
Take sometime to nourish your souls,
take sometime to share your time,
take sometime to be a better friend.

At the end, nothing is more valuable than time.


Worry Won’t Add More Time To Your Life.

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? -Matthew 6:25-34 New International Version (NIV)


Thanks my friend. Good luck with your exams 👊

thanks a lot dear @melip
but my exam is 1 week later!!
how do you know about it?

You told me 😁

Hola amiga como estas? este post es muy cierto pasamos el dia preocupados por mil cosas y dejamos a un lado personas y cosas que deberian ser mas importante y lo peor es que nos olvidamos de nosotros mismos, no sonreimos, no soñamos, no nos ilucionamos, steemit me ha ayudado mucho a mantener mi mente ocupada y no preocuparme tanto, me encancanto este post amiga, gracias!

Gracias a ti por tu interés en mi blog. 😊

amazing and right dear

Hola amiga excelente publicación muy acertado para estos días tan llenos de angustia y como bien lo escribes no hay nada mas valioso que el tiempo, yo agrego que el tiempo que se va ya no vuelve, y la realidad es que todo tiene solución,menos la muerte entonces porque preocuparnos por el ayer que ya paso, o por el mañana que ni siquiera sabemos si amaneceremos vivos, lo ideal es vivir con plenitud el hoy, ahora y el aquí, muchos saludos amiga y gracias por ese mensaje que me llena de esperanzas y aquieta mi alma @melip

Que hermosa respuesta, me alegra saber que atravez de STEEMIT pueda ayudar a apaciguar almas 😊

reading this made me feel so identified. Day to day worried about everything

We’re all with you, this moments will pass, “...estamos en camino por sobrevivir, solo derribando sueños...” -Enanitos Verdes 👊😊

Excellent reminder. Today I will be a better friend. I will start with an upvote for my friend @melip :)

And... right back at ya’ 👊😊

Thank you so much 😊🙏

good content @melip
@upvote @resteem has done

👍 thank you very much my friend 😊

Great Motivetional blog...
Upvoted & resteem

Thank you so much 😊

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