Too much negativity...

in #community6 years ago

As amazing as it may seem there are still people making their introductory posts on the platform… I’d really hate it to be in their shoes… ‘Come for the money and stay for the community’ - or something like that… Except there’s no money to be made at the time… as for the community!? Well, to put it mildly, we don’t come across as a nice community at the moment with all the bitterness and the negativity…


I know everyone’s at their wits ends with the bearish markets and all the FUD… we're all hurting ... but still… it is a moment when we should be able to talk about this shitty situation and figure things out. What do we have instead? People shouting at each other, bickering, flagging, a truly toxic environment…
I know nobody gives a damn about new users at the moment, but things are becoming difficult for all of us who would like to stick to regular posting, trying to keep the platform alive…
Maybe @ned doesn’t care anymore about the platform, maybe he does - I hope he does! - but what about us? Do we still care about the platform or has it become just an outlet to vent our frustrations… some of the most brutal exchanges I’ve read lately have little to do with the current situation but with much older feuds… that’s not 'social media done right', looks more like hooligans at the football match to me…
Take for instance @ned’s latest gimmick with the pinned post - a good thing since it forces everybody to take notice of what’s going on (and there are unfortunately many who don’t give a damn!). And what was the reaction? Suddenly everybody wants to have the option to pin their posts? ‘Not fair! I want one too!’ That’s bloody kindergarten behavior, sorry!
I have no idea what @ned did wrong with his company, but let's face it - no one would have a nasty thing to say if STEEM stood at $10! But then, if STEEM stood at $10, @ ned would be in a much better position... and everybody would call him a fucking hero!
Maybe we should all calm down, tearing at each other won't help at all, no matter how loud we shout STEEM won't go up one bloody cent... until the markets pick up we're stuck... and it's not even @ned's fault!

Thanks for reading



I fully agree - all cryptos have just crashed and the more we bitch slap each other here on Steemit, the lower we go - we can't make Bitcoin go up, which is the only thing that will push Steem up, but we are still capable of doing posts and comments - back when Steem was worth six cents we were still posting, and it did recover.

That's a pretty good tag...have you been talking to Samuel l. Jackson lately :)
I just sail past the negativity. I've no idea what's going to happen to steem. I keep posting, voting and commenting. But thanks for the reminder. I will look for an "introduce yourself" post today, upvote and comment on a good one, if I find it.

While I agree with much of what you've said... We are falling down the coinmarketcap list from our hay day at number 5, a long phase in the 20s, to a fast fall to 50 and even 51 for a while yesterday.

We are not keeping up with the market! I don't know if I would say that is Ned's fault, but it is the truth and his announcements and handling of the SMTs have definitely contributed.

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As amazing as it may seem there are still people making their introductory posts on the platform

Then make two comments and are told to go away for a day or so until their RC recharges, lol.

I think what is sinking in for many is something I realized (and posted about awhile back) and that is this platform was never meant to be more than a sales gimmick. I think with recent revelations more are realizing this, as well as realizing that the gimmick failed and those who were supposed to be dazzled by it are looking at something that is on the brink of failing.

For all the cries of decentralization, especially by those who understand crypto (I can't claim to) it seems most sat back and rode on Steemits work milking for what they could. I have questioned from the beginning why Dan left. He wrote the chain, has so much stake. Yet, he didn't stick around and build his own cool vision here. Was that an admission that it wasn't possible here, or an admission it was more about the initial profits? Not sure, just know that if this site dies it will be a blow to the chain I am not sure it will recover from.

I keep hearing people say everything is tied to Bitcoin. I will believe a little more in this idea of decentralization when we start seeing projects valued for what they are and not the value of Bitcoin. For now, the cryptosphere has the feel of a confidence game to me.

My sangria here: Not engaging with negative posts. Simple.
Funny thing is, emotions (opinions) are worthless, everyone has one or more, that's changing with the mood of the day or hour.
I for one have a position. That position is my stake in Steem, my vests - I see this as a long-term gig. Simple. I quite pity those confused souls with their rainbow-colored opinions.

It is well.

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