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RE: Unanimous Consensus and Decision Making for an Integrated and Harmonious Community

in #community6 years ago (edited)

Those are preferences for what you want to eat. How to live is to be based in principled living, not preferences. Preferences don't produce harm. If they do, they are not valid choices.

1 vote losing means that there was no harm being done. Any one can freely prefer to live another way. Society can;t stop them unless there is harm to be shown.

If people can be heard and influence a way of society, then when issues arise changes can be made to correct it rather than wait for politicians or elections to make a change, or believe in the fantasy of change...

Can you provide an example where 1 holdout stop things? I said in the post that you can only validly have your objection block everything if you demonstrate harm or injury to result. How is that not a good thing to stop fools from doing something when it creates harm? It is good to stop it. If it's unknown, then when it does occur, that when things can be corrected quicker because everyone recognizes the harm because people can talk about influence the change to happen. This won't likely work if people don't care or don't understand some moral principles to live a principled life.


We can use voting bots as an example. I would venture to say if the math of it was presented to all steemians that a very large majority would feel that they are not healthy for the long term success of steemit. But all the whales with very large stakes in voting bots will argue harm if these are taken away as they will loose a passive income stream. But which harm matters more? The one to the community as a whole or the one to the whales? In this case those with the move voting power will win, not the masses as the whales decide who the top 20 witnesses are. (sure I just made a few friends

Ideological ideas like unanimous consensus forget that many decisions in the real world require making a decision that does cause harm no matter what decision is made. In the case of bots right now the thought is "it's allowed" so I'm going to take advantage of it. Problem is way to much of the potential voting power is now siphoned off to these bots making sure that the rich get richer.

Sure I can give who gets harmed in almost any real decision that needs to be made here on steemit. Each issue is serious enough that someone is going to feel harm is being done and that is why the issue has been kicked down the road for as long as they have been.

Real life isn't about what is good or bad, most of life falls somewhere in the middle.

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