Lets be honest: When was the last time you did something for somebody else?

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I am getting the feeling that our world is getting less social. If that is because of the internet, or because of mobile phones, or because of busy jobs...All of the options are possible. It could also even be that is actually not even the deal, I might just even be in my head, also possible.

It could also be because society is getting more individualistic. Careers are important, money is an issue, it feels like we never have enough time for anything. We tend to draw ourselves as the centerpiece of this whole universe.

But when was the last time you did something for somebody else?

Like really did something. I mean, lets be honest....Im not talking about paying somebodies college tuition immediately or in that range. Im talking just about small stuff. Sweeping the sidewalk in front of your neighbors house as well, and not only your own. Bringing your colleague that special bag of chips he/she loves so it so much. Babysitting your friends kid/ dog /cat so they have a chance to go somewhere as well. Giving all those old grannies a ride because they dont have their own car.
All of these things are no rocket science, yet we lack in them. At least, I can honestly say I lack in some of these type of things, while I tend to be very social apart from this. Laziness is my biggest pitfall. But at least Im aware of that, and I try to do as much with it as possible.

Translate this to the Steemit community.

  • When was the last time you upvoted a post of somebody new. And I dont even mean the introduction post, but post 4 or 5. By this time as a minnow you are hoping your stories will start to pick up, but they arent picking up as yet. It can feel so good to get a big vote ( and I mean big like my $0.17 vote I found big already back then)
  • When was the last time you really took the time to explain something to somebody in Discord. Because Steemit is a confusing place in the beginning. So many rules, so many regulations and new words rocketing towards you.
  • When was the last time you send somebody some crypto, because they needed it. Or because you used it to teach something with. Or because you found that somebody deserved it for all their effort, of helped you out.
  • When was the last time you really took the time to write something meaningful, even though you know it wont pay out as good as your regular posts.
  • When was the last time you really stood up to talk about something delicate because you believe in the cause, even though it will make you some enemies

What it all boils down to is that you should be a decent human

Think about the bigger picture for a bit, and not just about yourself. Choose your battles, dont pick a fight for no reason. Think about your community, how do you want your community to be? Do you want it to be hostile, and scary in a elite way for new people. Or do you want to be the one who walks granny down the street, and all cars stop and offer her rides, because they love the gesture of granny being walked down the street. Because granny deserves that...Because you deserve that... Because we all deserve that.

Im going to a fundraiser now for animal adoption. The drinks that are sold there will go to the Animal Welfare foundation. I like these causes. They combine giving to the community together with a social event. This is beautiful.


Image Pixabay


When I started at Steemit they helped me a lot, and I'm grateful ...
that good action taught me that you should be kind and help
what they need most
I currently help:
@ deivis2099
@ abertk07
@ jacklab1407
They are new, they have almost no experience, but I am teaching them there
all the functions of steemit and I help with my upvote
although it is very low ($ 0.11) but with something that you start.

See that is perfect. Your $0.11 already can make a big difference in all of their posts and you are spreading the knowledge. Its really something we all should do. Keep it up my friend!

thanks friend, I try to help another, since they helped me when I started in steemit you should do the same.

Totally agree. Share the love and teach. We all need to learn in the beginning right

When was the last time you upvoted a post of somebody new. And I dont even mean the introduction post, but post 4 or 5.

  • I don't scan these as often as I'd like... but if the subject and post strike me, I have no problem doing it... but you're right, all of us should try harder with this.

When was the last time you really took the time to explain something to somebody in Discord.

  • This morning. :)

When was the last time you send somebody some crypto, because they needed it. Or because you used it to teach something with.

  • Last month, but I'm thinking of doing it again.

When was the last time you really took the time to write something meaningful, even though you know it wont pay out as good as your regular posts.

  • 18 days ago... when I put out a PSA about too many memes isn't good. I fully expected to anger meme people and get downvoted for that one. But I did it anyway. :)

When was the last time you really stood up to talk about something delicate because you believe in the cause, even though it will make you some enemies

  • Oh gee, I do this almost every post. LOL. I'm so controversial with my postings, someone is sure to get mad at some point. :)

BUT!! I love the thoughts you're conveying... this is true... people should be doing these things, and everyone someone like myself, I should be doing them more often.

Thanks for jogging my memory and everyone elses too. Very nice!


Hehehe, also for some reason you found what I was posting a while back when I was way way smaller. You are doing your community service @intelliguy and you can be proud of it!

Also very good questions you were asking in the bitshares radio hangout.

If we all take a little extra effort here and there the world can be such a beautiful place!

Thank you for recognizing it. It's not often I hear about it, and I don't need to always seek praise. But when it happens, it reinforces I should continue doing these things. :)

Karin I loved your post.
I'd like to say I do things for sake of others very often. I do it because I believe in synergy and karma.
but when I look deep in society, I do agree with you. people are getting alone and individualize... they are loosing their social skills... phones, video games etc...
we have to educate our children; about society, causes, community, causes and emotions... I hope your words spread, so I resteem and upvote your post :)

Thank you so much for your kind words a resteem. You are nailing the sensitive point there. We are aware of that we COULD act different but the younger generation isnt capable of recognizing these differences. That is crucial of what we teach them!

exactly. I have friends in Finland, I understood they have completely reconsidered the whole education system in recent years. all the nations should...

The social education system? Or what do you mean? Im curious :)

Like your post, and your honesty! Back to myself, I don't have much to give, but I help others if I can. Have to make more time to do this on Steemit. Although my upvote is a very very small $0.03 it's more then nothing. And even though I didn't understand all things myself, what I do know can help others. Thanks for sharing your post!

You totally got the point!! Even though the upvote is small, or say at home there is not much to spend. There are other ways on giving back. Its doesnt have to involve much, just kindness. Making an extra step for somebody else is priceless

Sharing is caring. Great post my dear. :). Joy

I support with your post that can add knowledge

Sharing is caring actually! If we all take a little extra step here and there :)

I allways think of someone else. Ill try to enspirit the newcomers, o what.. Im a newcomer too 🤣😊 but im just doing my thing if I get votes or not I like to write, but I like to relax too to much orrrr need to because of a concusion a few years back. 😁

heheh yeah you are a newbie as well! hehe, but still all of this is stuff to absorb. In the end you will benefit from it all. But you are already on the right track I see, working hard, mingeling, doing whatever you can! :)

What a wonderful post. It is interesting that with all this technological connection we are getting less social in real life and more individualistic.

A strange paradox.

Doing things for others is a great way to break the default conditioning, helping others is the best way to help yourself sometimes because those connections are built.

Send out lovewaves and the universe will send some back.

Yeah, We are seeing in a whole new generation on people who are only used to phones being around. God I sound old now, but..... We understand that in social events phones are just not done. Dinner, bars, date with friends phone=no go. But also people dont feel as if they CANT do something for somebody else, but there are so many things we can do for somebody.

Just like what you do on Discord, ask If anybody has a cool post and choose then to vote on it or not. Its a matter of like 'offering' your service. Super cool!

Good post! I totally agree that many people are too busy with their own stuff that they forget that a small gesture can be of great help for another person. Sometimes it will take you only a few minutes of your time and effort nothing more nothing less.. I am glad that the #alldutch community is so helpful for the other members. Had some great tips already and helped some new ones out too... Speaking about something delicate I have no problem with anymore. Only if I have the idea it may be dangerous (as you know from the past) then I will be more careful speaking up.. But I am happy to find more and more likeminded souls here on steemit daily. It seems that the positive and helpful people keep coming :)

Yeah that a totally different thing your type of dangerous! Because that can actually put your life in danger, versus only having a difficult conversation. I find that reaaaally different!

Yeah in #alldutch a lot is happening and people are learning every day. Super cool to see!

People always think and say that helping somebody else that they cant do it, because they have too much going on already themselves. But the truth is....everybody has a minute in spare, and maybe even two.
What I say above, its not about giving hundreds of bucks away. Just about being kind, and giving those two minutes of your life

Exactly, a few minutes of help can make a big difference.. And sometimes it only takes a smile. Wrote about that in one of my first posts, that people ignore the homeless, and dont see them as an actual human being anymore. You should see their faces lift up when you smile at them, just a friendly face. And even better when I see them looking at our little one, I tell her to smile and wave at the person or say hi.. then she made their day (so it seems :) )

Thats is actually very smart. I can again honestly say that I do the same. I ignore them, because a lot of them are begging. Which is oftenly not their fault on how they got there.

Thanks for reminding me on this to act normal and say hello and give them food (I always have apples in my bag, like always)

I can imagine why in some situations, when arriving in Budapest, some of them scared me a bit, because of the total picture (looked a bit like a warzone like in the movies when the weather was bad) and I ignored them too. But after some days seeing the same people lying in the rain, and being very peacefull, no begging just a friendly smile (often without any teeth) I could cry sometimes by seeing it. I decided to just smile back, and sometimes when we bought a sandwich and my daughter didn't eat it anymore, I gave it. Although they usually aim for the alcohol. To stay warm. But I won't do that, I believe giving them money / or alcholhol wont make a difference for them. I am looking for ways to set up some organisation here, but not only for those homeless, but with help in many ways. Also for those people that will lose their homes with children and maybe help them on time. Have to work this all out, and see where the starting point will be, but in my head I see it happening, and my boyfriend too. 2018 we will really make a difference. By the way the homeless gypsyes are rude and often you see they do all aim for your bag/wallet/phone those I don't laugh at, maybe not fair to all of them. But they proved me numerous times here allready that I do understand their bodylanguage pretty good. (observed them after I got a bad feeling, and yes, someone else was called, and walked after us after a chat pointing at us) So better to give to those (especially elder) people .. And if you have nothing to give, just give them your most gorgeous smile.. :)

heheh thats a good one. A smile is always something, or a 'how are you doing'

exactly .. so little effort that can make a person light up for hours .. because you actually treated him / her as human

Am new to this platform and as such am not yet familiar with how it functions, sincerely speaking your post is a great deal of encouragement to me, at least i now know that there are individuals that know that what we really need as beginners is support and encouragement even though we don't usually make superb posts...God bless you for your words that have encouraged me, will be visiting your site from time to time...thanks once more

Welcome in your Steeming journey! Glad you took the step on starting.

Yeah The most important thing always and ever is the quality of your posts. At the moment, I am also still learning how to improve my posts, and that is also by the knowledge I gained from others..Always always always keep your quality high. And interact with people, just like you are doing here.

I wish you all the best and let me drop by on your page for a bit

Beautiful piece dear, I really enjoyed this one, upvoted and resteem

Gracias Senor! Im never forgetting some bitshares drop from a stranger to explain me something!

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