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RE: What is appropriate use of upvote bots? A survey. - My response

in #community6 years ago

Interesting post, not sure I understand all of it as I am still new to Steemit, but I am learning fast!

I agree with your points regarding the need for quality content and pushing out those after a quick buck. People like that will ruin this social platform.

I have mixed feelings about steemit after spending a month on it so far.

I spent a week writing an original peice about the future of money (I am an accountant by trade), got it reviewed by a bank CEO and others. And earned 0.07 SBD

I then copies a tweet about steem being on binance and earned 4 times more.

I think if those like you really want quality content writers to stay on this platform, you really need to find a way to give new genuine people on steemit some help.

I am happy to upvote or flag posts if you want to lend me some steem power. Or any other way I can help. I really like the principles of this network. But we need to make it better of we want people to leave Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and come here.



That means that ppl. should get to read stuff first, in order to upvote... not count on bots, they cunt read... but then again,writers are not readers, someone need to Upvote them

i created a bot on twitter @FBPE_bot to help with the stopbrexit campaign. So I am not so keen to totally dismiss them. They can have a part to play, but maybe we need to create a parallel reward system for them to avoid people simply gaming the system and up-voting everything.

It seems odd that every account has unlimited up votes, maybe this can be limited and additional upvotes have to be purchased (with higher score users having more votes etc)

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