They Aren’t All Bots - Shout Out To An Amazing Steemian

in #community6 years ago

Have you seen this post?

There’s a lot of buzz about how bots are making top of the charts. And it’s true, no doubt. But there was one user that caught my eye!



Have you met this guy?? He is everywhere, so there’s a good chance you have. But, if somehow you haven’t, you should really meet him! This friendly Texan loves to chat and has a great sense of humor! He doesn’t just go around making general comments. You know he has read your post and wants to engage in conversation.

According to the post, in the last seven days this guy has made 1,085 comments and has received 890 comments on his posts. That is crazy!

Now, there may have been other actual human users listed on that list too; I didn’t look into each one. (A lot of them were bots though.) But I recognized janton’s name on the list, and I was so impressed, I thought he deserved a shout-out post.

Congrats @janton! Keep it up!


image source


I wholeheartedly agree. @janton is an awesome steemian, and I have had numerous indepth conversations with him. I'm not sure how he keeps it all strait, and keeps up with them all.
I think the platform is blessed to have him, I know I have been.

I love this post! I definitely don't comment often enough, but when I do it's because I feel compelled to say something. Take care @hebrewhousewife.

I am the same way yoginiofoz.

howdy there @hebrewhousewife! Whoa!!! I pulled up my feed and saw this post and about fell out of my chair! That is the greatest looking post photo that I've seen for a long while lol.

Hey I'M the only human on most of those lists I guarantee you. No I have no idea but most people aren't as crazy as I am so I'm just assuming.

Thanks so much for the kind words hebrewhousewife, it is very humbling and flattering. It's been a joy to get to know you a little and I thank you for having a good sense of humor and putting up with me! God bless you!

Hahaha! I drew that picture myself :)
You deserved every bit of it @janton! It’s people like you that make posting fun! It’s not so much the money/upvotes(I mean, that means something too!) but I love to read comments and replies. Makes a person feel like they mean something to someone else! Steemit is about community, and it will only stay that way if we make it that way.


Hey I'M the only human on most of those lists I guarantee you.

NOT Entirely true, you see, you are blogging with the second shift clone. The third shift comes on at midnight!

Or so I have heard, ROFLOL! He must run Dragon to get so much typed so fast! WOOSH, there goes another post! :)

hahaha! hey smithlabs you would laugh if you could see me type because I'm a very slow typer, or typist. what is Dragon anyway? sounds like something I need!

Voice to type program, perfect for "clone" use, ROFLOL! :)

hahaha! that would be awful nice.

Not too expensive, you could pay for it with the steem dollar increases, LOL! :D

I hope I don't have to wait long.

well Ma'am you mean a great deal to alot of folk on here I can tell that even in my short stint of knowing you and you are a true blessing.
It's an honor to know you. God bless you, the Big Man and your entire farmstead!

Congratulations on the shout post, @janton. Well deserved for the man who is everywhere. Are you also the man who has everything? :) An unbeatable combo if so.

I don't have everything YET but I will! lol. man that was so surreal. I opened my feed last night and saw my username and thought what in the world, why is my username as someone's post photo? I was confused for a second and didn't know what I was seeing! lol.

so that was so nice. I didn't know what to do so I asked Lynn, I was going to ask you also but she answered right away and told me to resteemit because it would be thanking her for it and also give her a little exposure so that's what I did although it was a little bit embarrassing. ha!
thank you sir, you're the best!

A little bit embarrassing? Oh come now!

lol! well I'm sorry but that's true..I mean we are surrounded by such gifted and talented writers, authors and bloggers and I'm not any of those things so yes sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing here! lol.
God bless you @hebrewhousewife you are a true blessing!

He is real and he is everywhere lol. Deserves all praises as he is a breath of fresh air on here.

Way to go Jonboy!!! Some of us here have the gift to gab. Been great getting to know you :-).

thanks Rainbow Man! you're a hoot and a half so it's been hilarious getting to know you too! you're a perfect fit here man, seriously, where else ya gonna go?

It is the first I have seen of him but my time here has been wonky!
I will give him a follow and see what all he is about ;-)

We all go through those wonky times! You won’t be disappointed, he loves to chat!

A most deserved shout out, @hebrewhousewife! Congratulations to @janton!

This is very nice of you to feature janton. I agree, he is very deserving of any notoriety, although he does a great job of getting around as you note, on his own. :)

@janton - 1,085 comments in 7 days!!! I knew you were a social guy but WOW. I had no idea. You keep all our little conversations straight as well! Hey congrats buddy :) small smiley face.png

How nice you are to feature @janton! And a whole post just for him. I declare he is going to get the big head for sure.
I suppose he does deserve a kind word considering he is a regular ole turbo typer.
I guess he must not pick on you very much right?

Pick on me? Not sure what you mean by that. But he comments quite consistently!

Then you are missing out on some real gems lol But he definitely deserves the feature very nice of you to do that.

By far the most reliable commentator and all-around good guy to have around on Steemit. He always asks questions. The world would be a better place if we all asked questions like @janton. He's no bot for sure. @ironshield

thank you @ironshield but it's wonderful people such as yourself who make it fun for all of us, you actually care about others and take the time to have conversations and answer questions no matter how dumb the questions are! (I'm thinking about mine) God bless you sir!

I actually enjoy talking to both of you! I KNOW, I am a sick man; fit right in, LOL! You both have interesting posts and are not stingy with information. :)

thank you sir I wish we could say the same about you! lol.

I do work so very hard to hide information, you caught me! :)

smithlabs! yes it's a real mystery as to why you're here!

I am here for my health, I was told I could bask in the illumination of massive information exchange, I was misinformed, ROFLOL! Having to use my flashlight.... :) :O :D

@janton My good friend that has the school in Kenya is on Steemit now, He just started! @makorirobinson and this is now; Officially, a GOOD DAY! :D

( I think he is a clone) :D

howdy there Farmer! I tell everyone the same thing about you!

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