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RE: Top 12 Things I Didn't Know I Would Be Doing On Steemit

in #community6 years ago

Hi I agree about China's track record with freedoms. If you have had a look at their "Sesame System" that right there says it all.
Conduct code is a favorite topic for me. Probably because I have a fascination with psychology. Group psychology and how that translates to Steemit provides an endless supply of things to delve into. Cultural differences just add more to the mix. You seem to touch on such topics often. Think I will pop over and see what you are writing about today.


Well, today, I've been out and about, and managed to get my normal average of posts per week, plus one, in by yesterday.

I do tend to be on those kinds of topics, but not so much from the psychological standpoint but more from the "What the heck?!" frame of mind. :) Actually, I guess some of them aren't quite like that, but it's hard to avoid really. I know there are plenty of people who go on their merry way doing mostly what they want to do. I don't know that I envy them per se, but it would be nice to be able to ignore things more than I do. I used to go looking for things. Now, they come looking for me.

So do the middle class and the wealthy.

I suppose the different cultures do add something to it, but really, when you break it down, people are people, and while some environments and ways of thinking will be different, human nature still gets in the way.

If all you've ever known is poverty, do you only want that? Probably not. You seek for ways to better yourself and that of your family, particularly your children, so they will be better off than you were.

If suddenly your thrust into the role of great wealth, do we go about things as if we are still poor? That would be good to a degree—being thrifty and buying just what you need. Some do, but most do not. They don't know how to handle it. Not even those in the middle class range tend to do well when all of a sudden there's millions in the equation.

That's just one example of what can happen, but mostly it's folks who are trying to do something to better their financial future. It doesn't matter where you come from to have a desire to do that. That's probably a simplification, but often what we're looking at are the lowest common denominator, and the lowest common factor.

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