Dolphin 541,753—Monthly Report: April (2019)

in #community5 years ago

Woohoo! April! Yeah!

Need I say more?
Okay, I probably should tone it down a little here. April was pretty good, but it wasn't earth shatteringly good. I think the reason why I liked April is I was able to keep up the earned SP amount set in March. After that, I guess we'll see how the numbers fell.

So, let's take a look.

Dolphin 541,753.png

Quick Summary

At the end of last month's report, I was hoping to be able to maintain a high level of production like I did in March. I'm happy to report that for the most part, I did that. The only let down was the last few days of April.

Something else I'm happy about is that I was able to amass SP without depending on major upvotes. In May, there was only one double digit payout, but there were several smaller payouts that all contributed. It helps when the rewards are more than $0.25.

Plus, I managed to do something I haven't done since around this time last year. More on that in a moment. First, it's time to break it all down.

Posts (no comments)—23

This is a drop from the 30 in March, but I'm okay with it, since I decided to go for a post a day during the week, and none on the weekends. That meant five a week. It's hard to come up with additional posts, as well as keep comment count high, and more posts in a day isn't necessarily better in my experience. It definitely depends on the circumstances, and to those who can manage to do it and keep up the amount of rewards on each one, more power to them.

As mentioned earlier, there was only one double digit reward post this time around, but there were a total of 11 others that made more than $1 come payout, and seven of those made a few to several times that amount. It all adds up. Plus I had several Musing answers that paid out above $1 or just below, that also helped. While they didn't count as posts, they might as well, since some are definitely long enough to be a post.

As mentioned last month, I've continued the character reveals from my comic book/graphic novel work in progress MISSES, along with the Food Fight Friday posts, and I've managed to put together a five minute freewrite on Thursdays, combining previously unused prompts. The stories take longer than five minutes to write, but I've enjoyed the creative part of it quite a bit.

Total posts all time at the end of April came to 416.


This amounts to an improvement of nearly 330 total comments. In doing so, I was able to get my comment numbers up enough that I won @abh12345's Engagement League twice in April. It's been since last May that I managed to get to No. 1, so I'm pretty happy about that.

As I posted on April 5, I passed the 10,000 comments mark all time, and as of the end of April, I was less than a hundred away from 11,000. It would be great to stay at a 1,000-plus comment clip per month, but it's not the easiest of things for me to do.

Upvotes given—384/1,475

The vote spread edged up from April, while the total votes exceeded April by nearly 300 total votes. My widening attempt didn't get very far, but I feel good about upvoting nearly 400 different users in a month. Manually curating, I'm not sure how much more I can do, even though I've done much more in a month. The last several weeks has been tough to find people posting as much as they were, and while I do go looking for new users every week, I wasn't finding enough new folks as I was losing others I'd upvoted in previous weeks, so it's been an odd dynamic lately.

Upvotes received—1,676/2,876

It never seems like I get a lot of upvotes from so many different people, but once again, another month's worth of voting stats go proving me wrong. In April, the upvote spread for all my posts and comments was nearly 90 more than last month's amount, while total upvotes declined by nearly 70.

That's odd to me since there were three sizable upvotes from two different curation trails last month, while this month there was only one. So, somehow I managed to attract more upvotes without the help of so many trails. I think that's a good thing, even if I'm having a hard time believing the overall numbers.

SP increase—247.844

After February's dip below three digit earned SP, I was concerned I might not be able to do it again. Now, for the second straight month, earned SP is in the 240 range. April's amount is a new second best, beating out March's 242.735. The combination of posting, commenting, curating, Musing and winning the engagement league proved to be the majority of earned SP. I should note, however, that the amount of SP I earn as a stakeholder is increasing, too, but at this point it's been tough to nail down a rate.

I'll need to see if I can keep better track of that.

All told, earned SP sits at 2,364.667. That pushes 2019's total to 768.144.

Year over year earned SP for April improved by over 188, as 59.107 is all I did in 2018.

The total earned SP added to the amount invested in STEEM makes my per STEEM cost drop from $0.885 at the end of March to $0.805. Also, STEEM value to make me a millionaire with April end's stake is now $145.324, down $5-plus from March.

Highest single payout—5.120 SBD/12.324 SP

The honor of highest payout in April went to In Search of Leprechaun Gold: A Short, Weird Trip. This was actually a freewrite where I combined six unused prompts from previous days. Sometimes, I know more or less where a story is going, and other days, I have no clue. This was more of the latter than the former. I had a photo I'd taken of a rainbow that appeared to end on top of a neighbor's house. I figured I work in gold and leprechauns into it somehow, but the prompts didn't really go with such a story, so things got a little weird.

Weird enough to be liked, apparently.

The curie curation trail upvote was mostly responsible for it. No OCD upvotes this time.


I managed to control myself all month, so no accidental upvotes.


In addition to winning the aforementioned engagement league twice, I also came in third and fourth, which also came with STEEM awards. All told I won 14.5 STEEM. I also received 1 STEEM from the curie curation contest, and a total of 2.112 in STEEM from four steem bounty awards. Rounding out this category with other rewards/donations, I received $0.2 SBDs in tips.

Flags given/received—2

The anklebiters doubled their efforts in April over March.

Reputation Ranking—64

After reaching a reputation ranking of 64 towards the end of March, I remained at such throughout April, though the meter did move up to 64.533.


After going up some, STEEM reversed and went into a sideways motion before trending down again. The idea of investing has again been on my mind, but as of yet, I have not done anymore. I'm pretty much holding to less than $0.10 to invest, but I'm hoping to see the annual bump take place between now and the end of July. I keep reading that things are starting to line up for higher values, but so far, it's headed down, not up.


All in all, I feel good about April. Being able to earn over 240 SP again in a month is a good thing. Upping my comment levels to place in the Top 5 every week in April is a good thing. Widening out my upvote net to include a couple dozen more users is good, too.

And yet, I don't feel like I have much consistency when it comes to receiving upvotes. The amounts are truly all over the board. I'm not sure what to do about that other than to consistently post every day and try to reach as many other people as I can through comments and upvoting.

I'd like to predict another 200-plus SP month in May, but there's a few things conspiring against me having enough time to make it happen. My youngest son's wife is due with their second child any day now, which means I could be called into watching our granddaughter at any moment. Plus, it's time we got our garden started, and other yard work finished. Probably need to get more fence replaced.

Now that I've got all the known excuses for doing lousy in May out of the way, time to put this post to bed.

Onward and upward.

Image source—Pixabay. Text added by Glen Anthony Albrethsen.


I always enjoy these progression reports, the one major upside of the bottom steem price for sure is that it's quite easy to earn more Steem nowadays and break new highs in monthly Steem earned.

Have you never thought about joining upvote group initiatives? Especially when having 5+ posts weekly they can make a big difference. I very much rely on them myself (along with many others) to get consistent ~1$ post rewards. I started the @upvoteshares project myself last year and it has worked out great so far, many others also provide consistent upvotes. (Qurator, make-a-whale, minnowbuilder, jumbot, steemraiser, upvotebuilders, ...)

Good luck braking your new record in May !

Hey, @constanza.

I agree. The lower prices have made it much easier to earn STEEM. It wasn't this way at all last year at this time. It's too bad, really, but if people can't take the time to earn STEEM now, it's only going to get harder when STEEM goes back up.

re: upvote initiatives

Oh, I've thought about it quite a bit, and I appreciate the thought, but I like doing this as much on my own as it is possible to do here. That might mean I'm not growing as fast as others, but it's what I'm ultimately comfortable doing.

re: new record

Thanks. Not looking good, though. We'll see. :)

I wish I would have the patience to review my activity like thaaaaat! Incredibly well done!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, @mammasitta.

Well, thank you. It helps that this is my sixteenth monthly report. :) In the beginning, it was harder to put together, but after awhile, things get easier to track and I kind of look forward to it, especially if I have an idea of how much SP I earned during the month. I'm sure it doesn't amount to as much as many others, but it's still progress. :)

Keep going!!! You do so well ! Nice to meet you 🙌

Patience and time, hehe.

me too!

I am so so #steemrandom 😆

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is how you do it! 100% vote for what might be .18 cents. haha. Oh man.

Anyhow I love these and I love the way you are looking at this... :)

Hey, @whatsup.

Thanks for the upvote and the resteem, too. :) 18 cents is 18 cents. It all adds up, right?

I'm glad someone likes the reports. You all are welcome to start pumping them out. The more the merrier. :)

Will you compile mine. totally joking. I love seeing it.

There is no way I am that detailed or on task. But my mind works in a similar way about progress. So I love and envy them.


Yeah oh I got more than 10,000 posts too and rocking that even higher!

Keep it going man!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey, @ganjafarmer.

Nice. Keep going is right. Here's to 10,000 more. :)

For sure!

And nice layout on the update I ain't that fancy but we will see. Today is flying a drone! Oh wow it's fun!

Posted using Partiko Android

Pretty cool that you take the time to do these reports @glenalbrethsen! If all goes well, you'll have a nice record of your progress to look back on, years from now.

Hey, @denmarkguy.

Well, looking back at it year over year has been good, so I hope that trend continues. The real question is, how much more time can I get away with just building the account without needing to do something else (like work) before the wife is completely done with the whole thing. She's pretty much there as it is.

These reports are more or less the same amount of time to throw together now as any other post might be. It's the one post I feel like I absolutely have to make, no matter what. So far, I've stuck to that, which I think is somewhat of a miracle in and of itself. :)

Onward and upward :)

Good to see steady progress again this month Glen, and i'm happy the EL prizes made a contribution to your total SP this time.

Hey, @abh12345.

Thank you. I'm glad the engagement league is there to do just that. It's a lot of work, but it's nice to know that there's a potential for a prize waiting at the end of it.

Your content deserves all of the recognition it can muster.
Congratulations on another very productive month.
When the time allows, @glenalbrethsen you are one of the gentleman that I visit first, knowing full-well that my time will be well spent.
Good luck with the new grandchild coming.

Hey, @thebigsweed.

Wow. Thank you. That's very kind. I tend to be all over the place with what I could potentially post about, so I'm glad you're finding value in what you're reading. It seems like people have specific things they like to write about, and they do pretty well with those one or two things. Me, I don't mind doing something once a week or so, but every day gets a little routine, I guess.

re: new grandchild

Thanks for the well-wishes there, too. She's not due until Saturday, but she's been done being pregnant now for the better part of two weeks. My guess is, he will be born either Monday or Tuesday. As much as we would like it to be, birthing is not an exact science. In many ways, it's still as unpredictable as it's been for the entire history of humanity. Only back in the beginning, there weren't a hundred opinions to read about how things could possibly maybe happen. :)

I also enjoy posting content on many different topics.
Expectant parents are exposed to so many different prenatal tests, when it is time to deliver the baby, dark imaginings fill their heads.

Great progress as the importance of being headed in the right direction is the best way to measure these days! Congrats!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, @newageinv.

Well, thank you. Upward at a snail's pace, I supposed, is better than falling at terminal velocity. :)

240 SP is incredible @glenalbrethsen!!! 😱

No wonder you're pleased. 😁

Hey, @gillianpearce.

I doubt I'm setting any STEEM records here with what some people are able to accumulate, but since I'm going about things from the posting, commenting and curating side of things rather than whatever else there is to do, I am feeling pretty good about it. Especially since it's two months in a row at that clip. May's going to be harder, I think, since we're nearly a third of the way through and I don't have anywhere near 80 SP yet. :)

Well I'm still very impressed. 😁

Have a wonder full week. Hope all goes smoothly with the arrival of your new grandchild. Soooo exciting! 😍

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 3 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 10 SBD worth and should receive 230 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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