Baby Announcement and General Outlook Changes!!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #community6 years ago (edited)

August 2nd is @imaginedragon and I's wedding anniversary and like every year on our anniversary, I request a new baby when she asks me what I want. We have been going through a rough patch these last few years money wise since I have been injured and emotionally since we lost our son and now my wife's mother. I never dared to ask her for another child this year, as life has just been beating the fuck out of us from every direction.

I've been depressed since we lost Roman and my wife has been as well, we finally started to see light again when Finn was born and we started meeting new people here on Steemit. We have always been the type of people to help other's in any fashion we could when we see people in need. Karma, treating others as we want to be treated, a symptom of our ADHA or just morons in general; putting ourselves out, to help others. Whatever, it is what we do because, in our lives, it makes us feel really good to be able to provide for others that we do not know.

I never really give it much thought as I feel anyone can always make more money at any time if they really want to and have the need for it. Not everyone helps themselves, nor do they feel the same way about helping others that we do. That is okay, we are all entitled to live our lives the way we want to live them as long as we are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve our desired life. That is the only freedom we truly have; to help ourselves and to help others. Yes, it is harder for some people to help themselves but that is generally due to personal drive, desire or physical disability. Very rarely is it due to education, opportunity, who they know or where they are from or what color they are. We all have the ability to know what we are good at and the option to do whatever it takes to get ahead or to fail. Everything in between is a personal choice and anything less is an excuse.

Both of us are high school dropouts, we now both hold 4 year degrees. We own our own business, house, vehicles, our kids are clothed and feed and we don't even have a checking or savings account other than our business account. We have not worked in the past 3 years but we have always done what we needed to do in order to make sure the lives we brought into this world have been taken care of and loved all while never knowing we were so poor we could lose everything the next day if things went wrong and we couldn't figure out a hustle to make it through the day.

@Imagiondragon and I allowed ourselves to be temporally defeated with what life has thrown at us. We both decided enough is enough and fuck all of the obstacles, we are putting back on our big boy pants and getting our lives back to who we want to be for our kids and ourselves. So, when she suggested we have a new baby on our anniversary, I agreed and we immediately got started to make sure we would have a new baby as soon as possible. I got the courage to change my downed, depressed and generally fucked self-view of life when some random steemit user sent me 100 Steem out of the blue, no questioned asked and nothing expected in return.

This turned my life outlook from gloom to normal. I am a Leo, by nature my life is ruled by luck, compassion, desire and strength. I've never lost compassion but the other three I allowed to go dormant. The random act of kindness showed to my wife and I in the form of the Steem gift. I am still not sure who the thoughtful person was but you allowed me to become myself again and for that I wish I could thank you.

We have since gotten on our feet again, figured out a new business we can do from home in the medical condition I am in and got 2 new additions to our family which will force us off of our asses and outside into the sunshine and getting some much needed outdoor time in the sun.

Meet Monday...........Officially my first ever personal puppy. He is a blonde Beagle.

and this is Thursday, mom's new blonde Labrador Retriever.

These are our dog's only as far as care-givers go but we hope to teach Snow at 5 responsibility feeding and walking them and the doctors say they will help Dregon with his Autism.

Whatever happens we ended our streak of shit luck with two new wonderful babies and it all started to change with that random act of kindness from a fellow Steemian.

Be kind to each other, you never know how it can change a life.

i really didn't expect to read something like that from you... i'm really touched and i hope life to be generous on you from now on...happy anniversary and may God provide you with anything you ask for...

Until a few years ago, I was always the type of person who always just let things go. Something changed in me when we lost our son. I became very angry, so angry at times I would scare myself. I had never been like that and I knew it was not who I am. It has taken a long while to realize when I am not being myself and taking the time to say I am sorry to people close to me for my actions. Most of the time they get it and there are no hurt feelings on their side as they know it is not me and what has happened.

The more I reflect, talk about things and allow myself to heal; the better life gets. I am doing everything I can to get back to my true self, every day I move a little closer to me. It is a long, slow journey but worth it for the people in my life and those I have yet to meet.

Life has a lot of fucked up twist and turns that we all go through but the key is to play the long game, always!

Happy anniversary chief. I don't know you personally but at least I know you support quite a number of people on steemit. I find Karma or God has a way of blessing those who bless others. Continue being wonderful and help will always come your Way.

God bless you and your lovely wife

Thank you, I never do it expecting anything in return. It really blows my mind and feels wonderful when it does happen and I have been unable to truly express my thanks to the person who gave it to us as I do not know who it is. I just really hope they read this and know how grateful I am.

Am a living witness to everything you do. Despite all the challenges, you've managed to be wonderful. Happy anniversary dear.

P.S. I think your previous anniversary wish list (of a baby each year) is kinda funny. Even if it's not a baby this year, I wish you get something that inspires you all year round

Two puppies are going to be more work than a new baby. I fully understand babies and they are very easy after the 1st few. I've never had a puppy before, so I have to learn as the kids do as well.

Cute doggo's bro! I'll have to show these pictures to Tristin since she was harassing me to have you show them to us, lol. I'm glad to hear that you're starting to feel more like your normal self, bud. Wouldn't want to have that any other way. You know, because you're such a filthy prostitute. Something which I and everyone else holds dear.

I hope she loves the pics so much you are sent out to find a puppy for the new house : )

Yeah, that thought will probably pop into her head before being promptly forgotten since it would be another $300 deposit for a dog plus another $30 added onto the rent every month, lol. It'll be probably 4-5 years before we can get a dog and afford it.

That has always been the reason I have never had a puppy before. They are not covered under normal health insurance so we had to wait until we knew we could take care of them like a kid before getting one. I have always wanted one but didn't for the money reason.

Yeah, I learned my lesson after my last dog got sick really fast and I spent around $1500 of money that I needed at the time to try and get her well. Sadly she just ended up passing away 3 weeks later. I'm good on not having a dog for a few more years after that experience, honestly.

That really sucks and I am sorry for your loss dude. Yes, it can get expensive quickly. We have had dogs before and experienced the same thing, it's been 6 years since our last one.

My hope is since we have them so young if we do regular checkups like we do with the kids, they will be fine. If not we can catch whatever early enough to fix it. Petco offers unlimited Vet visits for $49 per month and all their regular checkups and shots are covered including x-rays and other emergency type visits.

Awwww😍 you guys are like family goal for life! Darnit those puppies are cute!

It took a long time to pick one out, it was the lab that we picked. Sophia got me the beagle as a complete surprise before we left since I was loving on him while they picked out the lab.

thats a lot of responsibility man... take it easy... LUL...

Just the retriever alone is a handful... But meh, you have a lot of kids to help you, I think that will make the house livelier... I want to have the same kind of family too someday(just don't put in the depressing parts that you have).

Oh, Turtle, the downs are just as important as the ups in a long-lasting relationship. They suck but they really reinforce the whole relationship.

You will have the family someday and I will be here to guide you as best I can.

Oh, ill count on that ero.

Your way of life inspires many of us... how quick you are to spread love and compassion is something I find amazing still. I am a recipient of your generosity so I know!

Happy anniversary to you and the even more amazing @imaginedragon :)

I am glad my style helps people. We also thank you for all your hard work getting out the daily Artist of the Day picks for @eye4art

You got a 20.25% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @erodedthoughts!

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