Accident or Guardian Angel

in #community6 years ago (edited)

Many of you recently read my post Dodging Hand Grenades and saw that our family was in a bind. As I said in that post, every time a hand grenade gets close, I find a horseshoe. This has been a reoccurrence in my life, my whole life. It is part of the reason I rarely care about money, more always has a way of finding it's way to me just at the right time. I am one of those people who doesn't need much and am in a constant flux of giving to others when I can.

I am not used to the same thing occurring to me that I do for others. So much so, that when I returned home today from a quiet day out with my wife, I found what I am sure is an error on someone's part. I had received 96.243 STEEM from blocktrades. I did not make any transactions with blocktrades nor did I have any other crypto to exchange with him or his service. I am under the impression that this is an error and someone must have made a mistake. No one told me that there was money coming and since things have changed since my dodging hand grenades post, I want to return this steem to whoever sent it if it was due to that post.

I am sure there is someone else in need, I am okay for now. I do whole heartily thank whoever it was and had things not changed for me this past week it really would have been needed. I just don't want to take out of the mouth of someone else who may be in more need than I am myself.

So if you are the mystery sender and you would like your steem back just let me know. If no-one has come forth by post payout I will power it up and continue my steem journey as I have been these past 9 months.

If it was a goof by copy and paste and not paying attention let me know that as well, I do not plan on keeping this steem in the event it was an accident or solely sent due to that previous post I made.

This is just another example of the pure fucking awesomeness of this community!

Ah, yes. It was me all along who sent you those funds. Feel free to just send them on back my way. Actually, tack on an interest of 7.5 percent for the hold on the funds. I think that's fair, don't you?

In all seriousness, why do you attract all the cool Steemians? You god damn whore.

I see someone still hasn't gotten rid of that potty mouth

In all seriousness, why do you attract all the cool Steemians?

Says the slutterbutt I spend the most time with.

I am here for the both of your last sentences :D How do you two dwell in brotherly love with these uncensored insults is still a wonder!

lol, it is friendship.

Awesome souls out here attracting what they are...:) I hope they won't take it back because even you (no matter how much you never see it) deserve getting bombed with irrational giving.

I am dealing with your 'don't upvote my work' request. It's freaking hard, damn!

Maybe an anonymous person decided to appreciate your awesomeness. Well, am sure the truth will come eventually.

I just want to make sure it was not a miss type in a username or due to them thinking I was in a bind still.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.

LOL, We have 10 kids and live in a 250+ year old house, we have our hands and hearts full to the brim every day! I am not even sure what others find important in life but mine is just as I wish it to be.

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