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RE: My @ReviewMe Profile - I'd Really Appreciate Your Feedback!

in #community6 years ago

My wifes hair is brown also but luckily her aunt is a hairdresser so she comes home with all kinds of hair styles. lol . I agree with the being a man part. I can rebuild a motor in my head but I can never match a shirt, belt, pants, and shoes. Just not gonna happen. I have seen your pic on your profile since I started here and I always thought you were like 25- 28 years old so i was surprised that you were about my age. You look very young. As for the kids they are 7 and 8 and they both have my sense of humor, great kids and super smart. Momma bear not so much on the sense of humor. lol . My youngest is actually at national dance comp with her mom and has placed first in 2 different catagories against everyone in the nation so far and has 2 more days to compete so she deffenatly has my competative spirit. Me and the oldest stayed home because she loves school and wanted to finish out summer school that she wanted to go to. She is going into 3rd grade and reads at a 7th grade level, I think when i was her age I was still eating dirt and could barely tie my shoe. The kid is amazingly smart.


Two questions: why on earth would you want to build a motor in your head. Kinda hard to cruise it, no? 😂

And i think the ‘art’ of matching clothes is overrated. Just a wild guess: that’s your wife’s opinnion??

by build I meant putting it together in my head like this

As for matching cloths , Yes totally my wife, well every girl I have dated. It is like I am some kind of dress up doll when we go out. The only thing I put my foot down about is V neck shirts. Absolutely not. I despise V neck stuff.

Lmao. DDC, the dress up doll.
I wouldn’t make that public, if I were you. Could ruin your entire SteemIt image ;0P

That is the price you pay for being a dad. lol I would do anything for my girls. My oldest loves art so she quite frequently likes to fill in my tattoos and give me full back tattoos with markers. Not fun to wash off but she likes doing it so that is we do.

I can’t blame her. It’s fun to do :0)

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