Meet “Native”: facilitating the creation of community-based economies and currencies

in #community6 years ago (edited)

The importance of communities in the development of solutions

Human beings, in general, have the tendency to group themselves with like-minded people, it is a completely natural phenomenon with the purpose of facilitating a spontaneous bonding between individuals, which is very important for everyone because we are natural social beings, and having positive social interactions with other people is a key aspect for our general health and well-being.

When we discover and join a community that holds the same values and principle as we do, we might start the development of a synergy involving each and every member of said community, when people join forces towards a common vision and goal, they are able to increase their overall productivity and achieve results that weren’t possible if they were working individually instead of collectively.


This is why we can see in all kind of everyday circumstances, how people always gravitate towards individuals with very similar ideas and goals, this is not only healthy but also inherent to our human nature, which is why it is fair to say that developing the tools that allow for an easier creation of communities, where its members can easily align their objectives and start acting towards achieving their common goals, could have a great impact in how effective we can be in getting done all the things that are important to ourselves, investing our time in working with like-minded people is probably the fastest way there is when it comes to accomplishing all kinds of solutions.

Modernizing interactions in today’s communities through cutting-edge technology

Depending on its type, a community can have either a simple or a complex way of functioning, things like defining the development of a strategy for a particular goal, or figuring out which projects should be executed first and how to execute them, can become quite challenging as a result of its members having different opinions about which next steps are the best for the community, it is clear that people despite sharing the same ideals and goals, they can also have different criteria and different ways of interpreting things, if there is not an effective mechanism to solve these potential differences then the community is at risk of becoming dysfunctional, jeopardizing its very reason to exist.

This is even more challenging in our current digital era, where a considerable portion of our social interactions are through the internet and developing a strong bonding between the members of a community can be a little bit more difficult if there are no real face to face meetings, this is a trend that is clearly growing with every passing year as more and more people adopt digital platforms as a way to meet and engage with other interesting individuals.

However, the increase in internet usage can be seen as an opportunity to develop platforms designed to encourage people to create and join communities with which they identify, and provide mechanisms that can simplify important aspects that are present in every active community, like the method to decide which are the short and long-term actions that are necessary to achieve the community’s goals, as well as how to reward members that are doing most of the work.

Innovations in the digital space, can therefore, provide us with new tools that make it easier to handle the participation, the interaction and the activities of the communities in which we are part of. Particularly in the case of blockchain technology, that thanks to its inherent decentralization and immutability, can now allow the development of features that weren’t possible before, like creating a local currency only to be used within a particular community, resulting in an unprecedented level of autonomy for any community that decides to leverage this technology.

Nonetheless, since it is clear that not every community has members with the technical skills to start developing sophisticated digital tools, it is clear there could be a demand for a versatile platform capable of serving as a kind of hub for all types of communities that are in need of modernizing and improving their management.

This is exactly what Native is trying to accomplish.

What is “Native”?

Native is a new blockchain project whose goal is to facilitate the creation of communities all over the world, and encouraging people with similar likes to join together and alienate their interests towards a common objective to bring the greatest possible benefit to their community.

The team at Native is developing a project, that will allow any community to not only create its own local token, which will automatically give the community much greater control over its own affairs, but also to enjoy the use of sophisticated decision-making mechanisms that members will be able to use with the goal of encouraging fair decisions that properly represent the members wishes.

How will the token creation work?

Basically, there will be 2 types of tokens, the platform’s token named “Native Token” Source, and the “Communities Currencies” Source which are going to be create in each community for local use. As a way of ensuring the value of each and every token they will have reserves in other cryptocurrencies, this not only provides stability but it also makes possible for users to freely trade their tokens. In the case of the Native Token, its reserve will be in Bancor Network Tokens (BNT), and in the case of the Communities Currencies, the reserve consists of Native Tokens.

When a person decides to join a community, he will have to trade his Native Tokens for the community currency, the way to distribute these funds may vary depending on the particular community, but there will always be a reserve and the community funds, which represents the resources that can be allocated based on the votes from the members, to do activities and projects that can bring value to the community and allow it to get closer to its goals.

Implications of enabling communities to create their own local tokens and having their own growing economy

Allowing communities to have their own currency powering the local economy certainly makes them much more autonomous that what we are used to seeing. Under this new paradigm, members of communities will be much more encouraged to take an active role in the activities of their community, because recognizing the value that is being created by every member, and by the community in general, will come naturally. It will be members validating and appreciating the value created by other fellow members, each one being as productive as possible, and enjoying the general acknowledgment from the community in which they are part, besides, the Community Currency can be used to reward members for the tasks they do. The end result will be people being more proactive than ever and with an efficiency that can only be possible when resources are used wisely, therefore, Native enables the creation and the natural growth of those communities that can bring real-world value through the activities and actions of its members.

The value of a community and its token can be highly influenced by several factors, like the distribution of its funds, the risk based on the amount of reserves there are, the number of members and if they are active and productive, the results that the community has achieved so far and the potential to achieve even better results in the future. More technical information about the valuation and how funds can be distributed can be found in the official whitepaper.

Types of users

  • Curators Source: these can be seen as the leaders of the communities, they must have a total understanding about the community’s values & principles because one of their responsibility is to moderate the options that members can vote on and ensure these options are aligned to the ideals of the community, besides, they also review the tasks that are available for members to complete and be rewarded with the community token
  • Members Source: these are all the people who decide to join communities because they share the same values, and once they become members of a particular community, they can vote on issues like deciding which activity is the most important for the community and allocate the resources towards it, or deciding which project should be the first to be started. Members can also apply to complete tasks and help the community with any skill they might have.

Decentralized decision-making processes in communities

Native will have certain built-in mechanisms to make it easier for communities to reach consensus regarding the best way to proceed in order to accomplish the community’s goals. These mechanisms are the following:

  • Projects Source: depending on how complex are the community’s goals, sometimes the best way to move forward is by starting projects where a lot of members can participate and contribute with their skills. With Native, curators can add projects and members can indicate if they support that particular project, depending on the results, the project can be started or ignored. In case a project is approved, the funds are retrieved from the Community Fund and members will start working on it soon enough, and with the goal of making this dynamic something sustainable, projects are encouraged to be profitable so funds can then be added back to the Community Fund and avoid the constant decapitalization of the community.
  • Polls Source: this is a very common way to allow large groups to support decisions in an orderly and effective way. Members will be given a certain amount of time to cast their votes, and if not enough votes were gathered, then the poll isn’t valid and a new poll will have to be made.
  • Tasks Source: the way tasks work is very simple. Curators are the ones responsible for deciding which tasks are suitable for the community, and once a task is added, members can do them and be rewarded with tokens. This way they are helping the community and being compensated for it at the same time. This encourages community growth and cooperation between its members.

The potential impact of Native in how communities are managed

With a platform such as Native, serving as a kind of hub where all the important activities of a community are registered, while also allowing the possibility to have a local currency that is valued by the members thanks to their own activities and results, communities will function in a more independent way, and members will be more determined than ever to do everything in their power to help their community succeed.

Native will make a lot of things easier for communities, like collecting resources for a given cause by issuing and selling their tokens, making the members decide on issues by allowing them to cast their votes through the poll mechanism, and incentive everyone to be as productive as possible thanks to the likelihood of being rewarded with tokens. Because of these aspects, communities-driven changes can begin getting more popular than ever before.

The value of having a platform where people can join together for a common goal

As mentioned before, we are not only happier, but also more productive when we surround ourselves with individuals who share our same likes and ideas, it is natural to develop a bond with a person if we share the same values, and this also happens when working together towards achieving a greater goal.

Native’s value derives itself from what the communities powered by Native’s platform will achieve, it will all come down to what activities, projects, and fundraisers can be done by the community members, and their strategy to achieve important results by taking advantage of their unique skills and aptitudes when working as a team.

This is why Native most important potential is empowering agents of change anywhere on the planet, and provide them with the tools they need to start making positive things happen, given the inherent scalability of Native and its technology, having global outreach will make it possible to help people even in extremely remote places.

Below there is a graphical representation of how the value flow works under the Native Ecosystem


My own personal idea about a community that could solve a real world problem thanks to Native

Being Venezuelan can be quite difficult at times due to the economic collapse of the country. There are a lot of people who despite being capable of creating value and being productive, cannot find a way to earn a proper living as a result of the lack of opportunities that is currently present.


It is my belief that a platform such as Native could empower little communities in Venezuela to organize themselves in an autonomous way, with their own token serving as the community currency and allowing Venezuelans to escape the horrible hyper inflation of their national currency. They could start leveraging the features that Native and blockchain technology, in general, can offer to bring prosperity to their lives as a result of rewarding themselves based on the value they create for their own community. The idea would be to start small, but eventually, the ultimate goal should be to add all types of people like merchants, plumbers, masons and many others to participate in this community and little by little beginning to solve the productivity and scarcity problems that are present in the country, this way, Native might serve as a tool to overcome the hardships that a lot of Venezuelans are currently suffering.

Use cases and applications

A music enthusiast finding his tribe with fellow musicians

Harry just moved into another city and he is completely new in his neighborhood, he loves to play music but unfortunately, he doesn’t know any local musician. So he decides to do some search for any local place where he can meet other musicians like him, and luckily he manages to find a community thanks to Native.

He decides to join the local music community, purchases the token and is able to officially become a member. He gets really excited when the next meetup is approaching and when the day finally comes, he gets to know a good bunch of cool musicians, instantly a bond starts to develop between Harry and the other members of the community, and soon enough, Harry finds himself playing music and writing songs with some of the members. Thanks to this Native’s community, Harry is able to quickly find his tribe in this new city and enjoy the healthy benefits of having positive social interactions on a constant basis.


An amateur soccer player looking to have available fields to play the sport

Tom loves soccer, it is his favorite sport and he loves watching games from several different European leagues. However, his city doesn’t have a local soccer club so watching a live game is very difficult for him, and the formation of local players is pretty much non-existing because there aren’t places where young people can train or even practice the sport.

He is frustrated because he loves the sport very much and it doesn’t have a strong presence in his community. One day, he discovers Native and decides to start his own local community about soccer. Suddenly, the member's list starts to exponentially grow as the local interest in soccer was bigger than expected. After some time, the community is large enough that they decide to start a fundraising campaign to build a soccer field so local people can play in it. The campaign is a complete success and the construction of the soccer field starts.

The members are now very happy with this and have future plans to build more fields so more people can play the sport.

An independent writer looking for feedback from fellow writers

Sarah has a dream of becoming a world-renowned author of fantasy books, she has written several fantasy stories with little to none success, and she is determined to improve her skills and learn from other more experienced writers.

When researching online looking for a community with good writers she finds one that is using Native’s platform, she immediately decides to join and get to know the other members. Eventually, she gets to know a writer named Charles that is interested in reading her work, becoming her mentor and give her some feedback, she is extremely happy and both of them start working together to improve her writing skills and her stories. Charles also works with an editorial group and helps Sarah new books in getting approved for publishing. Luckily for both, the editorial group accepts the book and decides to proceed with its publication, not only that, thanks to the great work of both Charles and Sarah, they are now also working on a major series of books with the help of 2 more experienced writers from the same community. Sarah ends up being extremely happy she joined this community because it allowed her to boost her writing career and gain a lot of recognition.

Some of Native’s already existing communities

Earth Guardians

... designed to educate and amplify our passions and to equip us with the tools to bring innovative solutions to our world's most pressing challenges.| Source

SDG Futures

Future of Humanity is a decentralized and distributed communities and technology stack forthe United Nations SDG’s.| Source


A decentralized open learning organization built and run by its members, working towards a future of smart education.| Source

Imaginal Films

A decentralized ecosystem where multimedia content creators, viewers, and funders assemble to develop and produce conscious films.| Source


A collection of community-driven, tech-centric, future-forward individuals committed to accelerating the spread of global peace through diverse events, projects, and campaigns.| Source




Native was founded by Jake Vartanian who also founded Cryptodex, he is a very knowledgeable person with the proper experience to implement sophisticated ideas and make them work.







Native is a project that can provide easy-to-use tools for communities, to start leveraging the capabilities that blockchain technology can offer. With Native, any community can easily create its own token to use as the Community Currency, and start encouraging the participation and productivity of its members to create a sustainable dynamic, besides, Native also provides mechanisms that facilitate the implementation of decision-making processes so members can join forces towards a single goal and achieve it faster than otherwise.

When a person decides to become a member of a community, he will purchase the community token because it gives him the ability to express his opinion and make it count through the use of the vote and the poll system.

The value of each community and its token will depend on several factors like how productive they are, and how the community distributes and uses its funds. What is very clear, however, is the fact that Native will allow communities to be more autonomous than ever before possible.

More information can be found in the following websites:


What a great, detailed, high-quality review, @dedicateguy! Very well done! I got an invitation from Native on my this morning and I wanted to read up more on them. That’s how I found your superb review. It answered all the questions I had about this project. Thank you so much!!

I am glad you found this article useful mate, cheers!

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I had not heard of it but it sounds a wonderful idea and I hope it does well

It indeed sounds like a good project.

Thanks for stopping by!

I hope your idea will work! seems very interestring!

There are so many of this systems geared toward community coins now. I didn't like any of them so far. Maybe this one will do.

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