
Thank you so much for including my humble post in this amazing collection of fabulous minnow contributors to Steemit! I recently joined PAL, but have yet to dive fully in. Just wanted to say for the record that I'll take the time to do so soon (reading up and saying hello... so much to explore in Steemit/Discord).

I love the supportive communities I've found on Steemit. You're doing amazing work! :)

Thank you for including my post on your list. It's very flattering and I do appreciate your support. You just made my day :)

I feel like Forest Ump on most days... But your vibe has made my vibe even vibey-er... So I will keep vibing until reverb comes... Resteeemed this, of course! Thanks for inviting me to your black panther party!

Thank you so much for intersting post ...thanks for sharing @creativesoul

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