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RE: NOPAL4U Guidelines 1.0

in #community5 years ago (edited)

Whatever I did not say I "was" going to strangle you, I just told bernie I "wanted" to strangle him with my little bare hands! member??? Wanting and doing are two different things. Thus proving you are @berniesanders! lol get a life, scardycat! Well thanks, at least I can post once every 24 hours! Not so bad then!!

Also you all don't know english, that is not a death threat? Where are the cops then??? So hoping you die is not a crime. I do wish you were dead, so! Live with it! lol People kill people every day, no big deal!! My freedom of speech and religion, I don't think people like you should walk the earth! my choice!


good for you bud
it will be a shame if these jerkoffs get any say on palnet

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