Wanna Do Well on Steemit?

in #community7 years ago


This is going to be a simple guide for some modest to even, explosive success on this platform.

  1. Be real - be yourself. Personally, I am a bit of a mood writer. Some of my more loyal followers may have noticed this. =)
  • Usually, if something is affecting you now, it would be a good time to write about it. Your post will be more passionate and resonate better with your readers.
  1. Don't Post about Everything - no one is going to care about your toenail collection, sorry. If you "over post" about such trivial things it will annoy your followers.

  2. Cut out the COMPLAINING. Everyone, even whales, have slow times on this platform. It is okay to vent. It is all in the tone. If you're not careful you can come off as impatient, or even worse, jealous of others success.

  3. Don't just photo drop. Trust me, I LOVE photos, but drop a few lines about the photo. Otherwise, you can come off as lazy. Also, if it's your photo, please credit yourself! Conversely, if it isn't, please credit your source.

  4. Remember, you are not employed by steemit, be thankful for any money you make here. If you are not making much money, it isn't the platform's fault. You may think of:

  • increasing your steem power
  • posting at different times of the day
  • etc....

Hope this can help you! Input is always great, so feel free to chime in.

photo header created by me with sketch by rage comics


Hi friend @ nice your pictures I liked so much that you always upload such posts and pictures

Sound advice! I've noticed lately that I am scrolling alot in the new and trending feeds and not opening as many posts as I used to. It's hard to weed out the "attention wh*res" sometimes. And I know that means I am probably missing great content as well. It's a catch 22.

Resteeming for you!

I feel you. That's why people gotta be careful with photo drops, etc. Thanks for the support.

Don't spear me! It's all I can manage now 😭🤒. Will add more info to my photo drops, promise.

Wait, what? Lol this wasnt aimed at you dear =)

🙂 ok.
I will try put in more effort anyway though 😊

Definitely not aimed at you! I love seeing your artwork♥

@simplylizelle, let it flow naturally. I think your posts are amazing. You did make the 2cd hall of famer. Remember? ♡♡♡

Thanks ladies :) I had a rough day, you made it brighter :)

You are welcome. ♡

Thanks for sharing your insights about steemit. I agree with all your points . will try to keep those in mind.

Nice positive post.

How about a round of applause.

You're awesome!! Your "beary" nice messages make me smile!

100% my vote.
I love it!!!

Thanks! Glad you found this useful

Great observations. I also don't want to hear about someone's toe nails! ;-)

My hope is that the people who post about what they are passionate about continues, and the people that are just in it for the quick buck leave.

Take care @chelsea88!

Thanks for your input, and I agree. =)

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