Photography #46 Buka Puasa Photographer Bireuen Aceh Dan Bersama Seluruh Photographer Aceh

in #community6 years ago

Hi steemiant everyone......



Good evening everyone, happy to do activities and also happy to rest for you who are in this corner of the world. I will tell you about breaking the fast with PHOBIA Comummunity (Photographer Aceh Bireuen) and with all Aceh Photographer we made at one of the coffee shop in Bireuen named D'Coffee Break.

Selamat malam semuanya, selamat melakukan aktivitas dan juga selamat istirahat buat kalian yang ada di penjuru dunia ini. Saya akan memceritakan tentang buka puasa bersama PHOBIA Comummunity (Photographer Aceh Bireuen) dan bersama seluruh Photographer Aceh yang kami buat di salah satu warung kopi di Bireuen bernama D'Coffee Break.



On June 09, 2018 we from the Photographer community held a joint opening with all Aceh Photographer, bridal makeup, and also with models. From the various Photographer communities in #aceh participated in the events we made, the various communities in Aceh attended.

Pada tanggal 09 Juni 2018 kami dari komunitas Photographer mengadakan buka bersama dengan seluruh Photographer Aceh, perias pengantin, dan juga dengan model-model. Dari berbagai komunitas Photographer di #aceh turut berpatisipasi di acara yang kami buat, berbagai komunitas yang di Aceh turut menghadiri.



many Photographer communities attended such as: POCUT (Photographer Aceh Utara), Pholem (Photographer Lhoksemawe), KOPHY GAYO (Photographer Kopy Gayo), PPC (Photographer Pidie Community), FOCUS (Photographer Community Sigli), KTP (Toekang Photo Community) and also some that have not been included in the community. We all joined in a container of Aceh Photographer named APC Aceh Photo Club so his entire Photographer in Aceh was all over there.

Pokoknya komunitas Photographer banyak yang menghadiri seperti : POCUT (Photographer Aceh Utara), Pholem (Photographer Lhoksemawe), KOPHY GAYO (Photographer Kopy Gayo), PPC (Photographer Pidie Community), FOKUS (Fotografer Komunitas Sigli), KTP (Komunitas Toekang Photo), dan juga beberapa yang belum termasuk kedalam komunitas. Kami semua bergabung dalam satu wadah Photographer Aceh yang bernama APC Aceh Photo Club jadi nya seluruh Photographer yang ada di Aceh bergabing di situ semuanya.



Alhamdulillah open this fast which attended about 300 people Photographer, Bridal Makeup, and Models. The main thing on that day D'Coffee Break only our people who break the fast there, because it is full of our people, so others are not accepted anymore.

Alhamdulillah buka puasa ini yang hadiri sekitar 300 orang Photographer, Perias Pengantin, maupun Model-model. Pokok nya pada hari itu D'Coffee Break cuma orang kami saja yang buka puasa disitu, karena sudah penuh dengan orang kami, jadinya orang lain tidak di terima lagi.




Terima kasih telah melihat dan membaca postingan saya.



Regars Form Me




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pertemuan yang sangat seru dan sangat bermanfaat sekali,bukan hanya sekedar buka bersama tapi juga mempererat tali persaudaraan .

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