A New Sustainable Community In Europe - Preview

in #community7 years ago


I want to share the beginnings of a new sustainable community that will set to change the way we live and has the ability to help millions (if not billions) around the world. It is not everyday we have the opportunity to join minds and ideas with others, whose only motive is to help change the way we are living. Far too many are focused on profits and what is in it for themselves, or relying on others hard work, and in some cases on pseudonym for commercial advantage.

Having spent the past three years extracting myself out of corporate life and into myself, many changes have occurred, and all for the better. We call this waking up and smelling the roses! Each of us has skills and potential that is so untapped. It rests in our minds and becomes stagnant, or we become trapped in a life situation that we put before ourselves. For those that decide to wake up and really invest time in to removing societal programming, this is the time when amazing things begin to happen.

Anyway, enough about that...for now at least!!

So let me share some snippets about our new sustainable community that is being created in Eastern Croatia, by a group of incredible open minded individuals. When their skills are combined it becomes an energy that is equivalent of a well established faculty or new town, plus some more. We must be all crazy I hear you say! Well we have to be crazy to come up with genius don't we!!

Nestled between two rivers, transport corridors that connect across Europe, as well as surrounded by thousands of hectares of arable land, you will find us. Our own project, for the moment, is located on some 2 hectares which was a former brick foundry. The site is classified as commercial land with permission to reinstate the former foundry, as well as convert some of the out buildings to a hostel, restaurant and administration offices. Our plans go much further than this, mainly because of our passion for wanting to change the way we live.

We will be creating an innovation and science facility in the brick foundry, that will comprise of a prototype development centre, teaching laboratories, IT centre and school (not traditional school). In addition we will create a roof terrace that will be a perfect observation point for star gazers as well as utilise the sun for solar energy. The facility will develop patents and ideas that have already been created in the last 10 years. Our technologies will include hydro electricity, housing solutions, agriculture concepts, solar energy, low cost construction, railway infrastructure and a few more.

As part of the community project we will also be creating lifestyle parcels of land for residents to enjoy a stress free environment, the only pre-cursor to this is that all produce grown is delivered to the community for trading with other residents. Each settler will contribute to the community, so that we truly become completely self sustainable and off grid. The site has it's own water wells, and will generate its' own energy for use on site. Part of the expansion plan includes the acquisition of orchards that are already yielding good crops, as well as crop fields, so that we can add honey production and other organic produce.

Surplus produce will be offered on a premium basis to interested parties, this ensures that the brand for our organic produce begins to travel further afield. Being located within 30 km of Hungary and Serbia, we have the potential to export also. The community will create it's own crypto-currency, as well as work with one of Europe's ethical banks to ensure the commercial aspects of the community can proceed unhindered.

Being located 25 km from a major city means we are not isolated. We are also connected with a small International airport locally, as well as three other major international airports within 3 hours drive. Rail river and road networks are located on major trans-European corridors. We are also located on several European cycle routes, as well as a destination that attracts thousands of enthusiasts from all over the region.

We are finalising our business plans and funding ideas, which we propose to launch sometime after 14th July. We will be looking to fund raise using crowd funding methods, as this is our preferred model. We are creating a project for active participation of contributors by forming a virtual community who have the ability to vote on all activities. Those that wish to settle on the land will be able to invest in the community, and contribute to it, as well as help develop further ideas and solutions for the benefit of all.

Our intention is to become a blueprint for the world, that is driven by a common goal, of sharing ideas and wisdom with others so that they too can benefit in their own countries. We already have interest from others who wish to join forces and share know-how as well as create similar projects in other countries. This is a people's project at a grass roots level, one that will comply with all the norms of current state rules, but will attempt to seek additional concessions, as well as some autonomy from the state.

This is just a snippet, as we wish to preserve the integrity of the project, because we can already sense that through our innovations how this will impact the global population. We are not interested in attracting traditional capitalistic ideas or theories, we have all been there and got the t-shirt. We are interested in attracting like minded individuals and organisations that can join forces to achieve the desires of the founders and their ancestors. All profits will be invested back into the community for further expansion and opening the doors to others who wish to live and work in this way.

So for now, that is the teaser!! If anyone wishes to learn more, it is time to hit that follow button!

Further news will be published in 7 days, now let's get some momentum going here. Any ideas feel free to let me know!

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