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RE: How 15 Months On Steemit Changed My Life

This journey is something I can learn a lot from. Rewards make us come here in Steemit, but usually it's indeed #1 which makes us stay.

#1 What could I do every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it?

#2,#3,#4 all got me thinking hard, and in a way introduced some challenge for me. I have yet to discover what I can contribute, but I'm definitely up for the challenge.

By the way, I haven't joined any of the open mic contests, but I can't wait to participate anytime soon. Expect my name to be part of the participants in the next contests. Haha! :)

Happy Crypto Christmas!


Looking forward to hearing you on Open Mic. It's a lot of fun.

It's good this post got you thinking. That's what I was hoping it would do. The more people this works for the better it gets. Merry Christmas and a Steemy New Year!

Yeah! I'll be keeping an eye. Although I noticed that most people who participate show their faces. I'm trying to overcome that shyness.

Cheers and Steemy New Year too!

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