Modern Device of Communication/Tools of Modern Communication

in #communication7 years ago (edited)

Tools of Modern Communication

Conventional process of communication is not sufficient to meet the multidimensional needs of the business enterprises. So, the need for modern communication technology emerges to meet the desired need of modern business enterprises. Worldwide communication has been facilitated by the electronic transmission of data which connects individuals, regardless of geographic location, almost instantly. Modern communication technology depends upon computer which is a device made up of electronic and electromechanical components. There are a number of communication channels representing both the wide range of possible uses of data communication and the various new technologies in the communication industry. Examples of such technologies are-telephone lines, switched lines, coaxial cables, optical fiber transmission, microwave transmission, infrared transmission. laser transmission, radio transmission, te transmission etc. Oral or voice media in electronic forms include-voice' mail, audio tape and video tele-conferencing and video conferencing, close circuit television, instant message etc.


Written mediain electronic forms include-e-mail, fax, computer conferencing (with groupware), web sites eto. Some modern devices of communication are discussed as follows :


1. Telephone:

The most popular device to communicate orally is telephone. It connects irrespective of distance. It brings the tone and helps us to communicate at any movment and from an äny location. It was invented by Graham Bell during 1876.Telephone in those era and telephone in mod age is far different. The modern telephone has taken the shape of cell phone which is easil and can be used at anywhere in the globe where network is supported by mobile operator


2. Telex :

Telex is an important communication device e for transferring data. A teleprinter is used by which information can be communicated from one location to another location. It has h application for official purposes but the development of other advanced devices have reduced the usa of such. It takes more time and expensive to transmit data and therefore in modern days we do not se uge ge the availability of such device.

3. Mobile Technology :

It has made a revolution in the arena of means to communicate any where supported by network. Such technology has brought the following communication and providing useful value added services : a Voice-Mail; b Voice SMS; c. Text SMS d Web Browsing: e. Welcome Tune; f. Music Gift g. Push-Pull service;


4 Multimedia :

It is a excellent way which combines sound, text animation and picture to bring a nitor, we get the taste of modern communication. of catchy effect. When such effect is displayed on mo Multimedia is widely used in advertising field to highlight any product or service. The effect multimedia can also be observed through our cell phone. We are using EDGE or GPRS inm days where multimedia is the key feature.

5 . Fax :

Fax is the short form off Facsimile. It is a device which is used for transmitting diagrams, drawings, sketches, letters, circulars, articles etc. It is an improved electronic version of the telefax machine. It is the latest device for sending written information and message from one place to another when both the places have the fax machines. Fax machines are inter-related by telephone lines. The facsimile of the written information is transmitted to the addressee and it is simultaneously reproduced on a paper automatically in the receiving machine.

6 Electronic Mail (E-mail):

Electronic mail is popularly known as e-mail where textual messages are sent to the receiver through tele-communication links. Here computer terminals are connected together in network to transfer message from one to one or one to many. Sender first ty message on a computer screen and then send pes the s to the receiver. The respective message is dropped in the receiver's mail box and receiver can read the message and answer if required. Both sending and receiving of e-mailare processed and directed by mail server computers which are connected through network.


7. Video Conferencing:

Video conferencing is a new device of communication of recent times. This method of communication is generally used for holding meetings and discussions. This device of communication is mostly used when it is difficult to arrange a much expensive meeting or when long distance travel is involved. Conferencing is virtual meeting where persons can see, hear, talking to and actually work with people in different locations around the world without the expense of travel. Conferencing may take many forms, such as, video-conferencing, audio-conferencing, multimedia conferencing, screen sharing etc. Conferencing programs such as the popular CU-SeeMee allow work groups to use the Intranet to see each others' faces in small windows on the computer screen and to hear voices through computer speakers.

##8. Tele conference:
This technology allows people to hold meeting or conversation over telephone Here distant participants exchange their oral message and can only listen (vsme TrJ) the voice. In muliniational culture, group meeting takes place through tele conferencing.


##9. Tele-text:
This is an electronic message broadcasted through television. Such text is widely used to communicate a large group of people once at a time. Breaking news, business report, stock market updat c, weather report etc. are presented as a tele-text through television.


##10. Internet:
Internet is the latest development in the communication world and has changed the way of liie in respect of communication. It has increased the pace of communication. Internet can be defined as the network of networks that are connected through telephone lincs, satellite or radio links. It connects thousand of computer users through networking and helps to explore for information and data and share global knowledge. Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is based on the architecture of internet and helping business firms to do business with respective stake-holders. It can be used for sending e-mail, tele-conferencing, video-conferencing, voIP (Voice over internet protocol) calls, chatting and messaging etc.

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Ok bro I upvoted you.I hope next time you connect with me on messenger or facebook.If you do this in the comments section it's like odd. Thanks

yes i understand brother.
No problem

wow aowsam hoese bai

nice writen

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