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RE: Communication!

in #communication6 years ago

I wish I had more power to upvote this. It pains me to think anyone gets criticized for a lack of skill at communicating, as that is obviously the very last thing that will help. Ugh. I am a communication teacher, and I the two courses I teach most often are public speaking and interpersonal communication, and I really want to tell you that if you ended up in one of my classes you would never hear me criticize you. Instead, I would try to help you identify things you could do, and more important, want to do, to satisfy your own needs and desires. Communication competence is simply the ongoing process of learning to recognize multiple choices in any given situation, and learning to make good choices, or, in a more conversational way, it is learning to get what you want more often. So, if you struggle to get what you want, then, sure, by all means, work on your communication, but if you really don't that often (we all do sometimes) then to heck with anyone who feels the need to criticize. Sorry if this is an over the top reply, but reading your post touched a nerve :)

By the way, I found your post searching #communication because I am thinking about doing a formal curation on the topic. Feel free to follow and/or tag me if you post about communication in the future.


wow thank you so much for your reply. Yes that is most defiantly true. being criticised for how you communicate definitely doesn't help you. I did write this post a while ago and i did have a few women respond saying they could relate to my post, it was nice to see others be able to share how they felt as well.
So they know they are not alone, we are all so different and deal with things differently.

I am working on my communication skills but more so i don't get walked over and i can do what is right for me. i find meditation helps me find the answers i need :-)

Wow thats so amazing that you are a communication teacher. where are you from? i will definitely follow you and tag you if i have any more to write about the topic.


I live in New Jersey and teach at a community college in Pennsylvania. One idea I have had here is to do something like an advice column. Not sure exactly how to set it up. But I figured people could comment on a post with specific questions and then I just answer them there. So, yeah, please follow and let me know if that sounds like a decent idea. :)

yes most defiantly thats a great idea and i would be interested in being apart of reading your post. I always love to learn new ways to better my self or even find out who i am as a person and how i can learn to be the best version on my self. Communication is such a big part of life, i think so many people could benefit from your help :-)

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