
“Working for” isn’t exactly managing.

And “managing multi-billion dollar” projects can be claimed by anyone. I’d be interested to know what those projects were and how he “managed” them.

Inflating resumes is easy to do. Did you know that I own a company with $783 million dollars in assets? I’ve also operated two non-profits that have given over half a billion dollars to third-world medical facilities and school programs.

Maybe I should be on a committee too! Where do I apply? :)

sorry, your too ugly

😂😂😂 you win steemit today.

Posted using Partiko Android

Baraka is too ugly? Sounds pretty racist to me. :)

lol, i'm amazed anyone votes for you as witness with teeth like that. i mean you look like someone who would eat my children! oh wait i do vote for you haha. Cassie Cage or sub zero maybe:)

If people don’t vote for me, I eat their children. I wish more users around here had children. :(

hahaha none left!

Did you know that I own a company with $783 million dollars in assets?

That's all?

That’s just one company. I own eleventy-six others.

I own all the land and every chicken.

Unhand my cocks sir!

Dixon Cox? Is that you?

Please, my friends call me Peter.

This post looks more like a reputation polishing..^^

Maybe I should be on a committee too! Where do I apply? :)


I have the hunch... that I should be launching myself as a candidate for this committee too. };)

Here you can find the info you need:

I've met Matt personally and he's given me no reason to think he was embellishing his past work experience (due to copious amounts of details he's added). Of course, I'm just a random guy on the internet, but I'm merely stating my own experiences with Matt. Given that there are other people here who've had similar experiences, I'd say that it's fairly trustworthy to use these opinions as some form of vetting.

I’m sure he’s smart and a nice guy and, as an engineer, has worked with projects where assets and equipment were worth a lot of money. That’s great.

But what does that have to do with identifying and vetting legit startups and other businesses and what does it have to do with or tie into the social media aspects of this platform?

We really don’t need more tech and engineering types making decisions about “winners and losers” around here...which was my original point.

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