“Our planet has just experienced the most extreme two-year cooling

in #commentary6 years ago

event in a century

  • From February 2016 to February 2018 (the latest month available) global average temperatures dropped 0.56°C.

But the enemedia don't talk about it. Why is that? It would appear that the media are the enemies of not JUST American but all of mankind.


The weather here hasn't been the usual, it's been unpredictable for the past months.

For sure they are way past just being the enemies of America, they American media represents multinational corporations exclusively, those are the interests they work to further.

The weather seems very bipolar as of late.


I can't help but wonder if the solar magnetic
field flip is what is triggering the geomagnetic
reversal, and causing the wacky weather events.

Time to burn your farmers almanacs, unless of
course they were gifted to you from future Biff.
In that case, keep'em locked up, buy a safe, and
one day 'a crazy wild eyed scientist or a kid may'.

To be continued... after the great thaw.
Snownado anyone, ain't nothing like it!

you mean the earth's magnetic field?
not the same thing.

Yeah there were two of'em. First the sun's magnetic field was about to flip. NASA was warning of that as far back as 2013. Then there was talk of a polar reversal on earth, which they are still actively talking about.

I think the earths polar reversal is happening slowly as we speak, and probably influenced by the changes in the sun. Airports have been forced to alter their runways because of the magnetic field shifts that have been happening.

I don't know how accurate my assessment is, but they seem interrelated to me.

Whether the weather be hot,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!

nature often finds its own way to achieve balance. When global warming becomes an issue that aggressively echoed, suddenly the earth's temperature dropped dramatically. The new discussed why there could be such a great temperature drop.
if we look at the various forms of natural rejuvenation through volcanic eruptions then in our minds must say that the gas released will add to global warming getting worse. however, as we have seen many volcanic eruptions in the paths of the circumnavigation of the pacific and the wing of the Mediterranean as in various regions of Indonesia such as AgungMountain, Merapi, Sinabung and others there is the possibility of expelling the earth from the entry of heat energy into the atmosphere so that global temperatures drop drastic

I think.

...this cooling off period has been caused by global warming...

  • yup, they are actually trying to pull that one off! LOL ROFLMAO
    • Here in north central misery, er umm, I mean Missouri,
      we have set several record lows.
      Everyone was complaining about near double the normal heat bills..

warming has caused the cold.

people still read that liberal rag?
I quit reading it forty years ago when it published an anti gun article.

I might note that when I was STILL reading the thing, it had declined in size by about ten. When I first started reading it when I was but a young lad...it was as thick as a sears and roebucks christmas catalog (remember them?) when I stopped reading it the thing had declined in size to that of a fat comic book.....

by it's rate of sublimation...I assumed that there would be nothing left of it now.

They were the first link when I googled cold weather caused by global warming. Seems you can always count on them to be pushing the current propaganda.

I think I read them a bit back in the day. Only magazines I read nowadays are in waiting rooms.
Oh yeah. I signed up for something and won a free magazine subscription. I chose Wired. It's still kinda fun.

Wired USED to be a lot of fun...
..........back in the Eighties.
it was bought out by the enemedia.
since then...not so much.

Politicians and Enemedia, suffer a "mental illness deliberately implanted" or simply lack the courage to publicly acknowledge that they were wrong and also to apologize for all those expenses and anguish generated around the propaganda of the supposed global warming generated by man. .. Imagine, according to what I read in the article, it seems the earth is heading towards a "mini ice age"...It seems that these champions of global warming were "slightly" wrong.

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