Oh Man... I Could Have Turned That Comment Into a POST!

in #comment7 years ago

Does THIS ever happen to you: You write a very enthusiastic #comment on someone's post, click "Post," and then realize you just submitted enough thoughts to create a great post of your own. Opportunity wasted? No worries? What do YOU think?


Lol, that's how engaging into meaningful comments is helpful. It comes to a point that your ideas are piqued to come up with a full post of your own.😅
I dont think it happened to me so far though (make a full blown post from a comment) but I sometimes write from picture prompts and contests being run here at steemit.

I think I may simply be more aware of it because I copy/paste every single thing I ever post... old habits from back in the days of using a lot of forums and message boards, which were notoriously unreliable and would lose posts all the time... always good to have a backup.

In this case, my "habit" showed me that I have left more than a dozen 250+ word comments since the beginning of December.

I have.
then I copy/paste , find an image.and turn it into a post.
it's a two-fer.

Yup. More often than not, my two-fers are comments that start to get interesting on Facebook, moved over to become posts on Steemit.

That is the source for many of my econ and politics posts.

Happens all the time!

When i first started I thought to myself "Damn! I just gave that away!"

Now I just call it "adding extra value" !

Yeah, that's a good way of looking at it... and timely comment as I have been working on a post about "adding value" on Steemit.

Its kinna like running a fresh produce stand.

By giving a customer 1.10 pounds of tomatoes for the same price as 1 pound, the consumer attributes more value to the producer.

The valued producer may not get rich, but will always have business.

Make it into a article...

That's usually what I do, too... after editing down the comment a bit.

Oh man does this ever happen to me. I keep meaning to write a query to sum up the total character count of my comments here and turn that into a rough approximation of a word count in my commenting.

I don't view it as an opportunity wasted, but as one seized. You felt a spark in reaction to something in the post you were reading, the muse visited and blessed you with the comment. You owe it to the universe and the muse that blessed you to gift the comment freely to the author who inspired it. If you tried to sit down and make it into a post maybe the muse leaves half way through and says screw you I am going to go find a guy that will write the comment of my dreams :)

@carlgnash, we evidently think a lot alike... I actually track that stuff because of old habits from early message board days; if you didn't copy paste before posting, you could lose a LOT of work. I "spend" about 2800 words a day on commenting, with MANY ending up over 100 words in length... and when I say "wow, that was post length," I typically mean 250+

That aside... you just encapsulated something I have never quite been able to summarize; the fact that the muse backs off and leaves the building when I try to post-ize comments (at least two-thirds of the time) so I generally don't bother. And frankly? The inspiring author deserves the comment more than I deserve to make a few pennies by trying to turn it into something it is not...

Yeah inspiration is a funny thing. Best to roll with it and see it out when it visits rather than try to control it and redirect it into another channel. Just saw you are in Port Townsend - I grew up in Haines just up the coast in Southeast Alaska (past British Columbia so I gues "just" might not be the right word) and am currently down in Eugene/Springfield area in Oregon. Pacific Northwest Power!

When I find myself pondering that, I edit the comment into a blog post as well. This happens more often for me on facebook where a conversation results in a lot of material, but good Steemit conversations have occasionally been an inspiration for that too.

Come to think of it... even though I don't use Facebook very much these days, more often than not it's a Facebook comment I tend to turn into a Steemit post.

For the most part, I get more engagement and interaction on Steemit than on Facebook, by far.

That is part of the reason I love to comment on @denmarkguy blogs. The topics you bring up and talk about and wanting to know other people’s opinions and knowledge could easily spin off into multiple other blogs being posted.

I don’t view it as a wasted opportunity I see it gives me options further down the path that if I wanted to revisits previous thoughts and explore them in another light or deeper I still have that option available. I could see myself having months’ worth of content by just upcycling a few of my comments. Its always nice to know I could if I wanted.

Thank you for saying that @enjar... that means a lot, and it also means I am succeeding at my own "Steemit Goals;" namely to promote and spread *interactive content;" my whole thing in being here is to stimulate engagement get people out of the whole thought pattern that they should just focus on getting upvotes all the time.

Sure, people can join a bunch of guilds and services... but the moment you unsubscribe from those, your content heads right back to zero.

So, I'd rather just try to interact with others... and if something comes of that, great... and if not, at least we had fun interacting.

Hi, yes! I feel you, my brother!

It feels like the chance is wasted to crack down on the topic a much more. You're right. I love picking up discussions that I had on Steemit and turn it into a bigger post once I made up my mind more.

Do you have a specific example in mind?

Have a beautiful evening! Best wishes

Thanks Elena!

More often than not, the times when I DO feel inspired to create a post from something I read on Steemit, it's not an expansion of a long comment... but something completely new that started as just an idea; a new angle on something.

I let the long comments simply be long comments. Because I feel that's where they belong... Do I have specific examples? Hard to come up with... but here's one post that was basically a deeper exploration of a comment exchange on someone else's post:


I see!

What are usually your sources of inspiration for posts? Do they come from the online universe or from the offline universe?


As a consistent machine gun of weird babbling words and a permanent overflowing "catarata" of TL|DR stuff.. with again.. ¡More of the same!

I guess you already know what my reply to your question might be my dear friend. }:)

Yes, I can pretty much discern what your answer would be, even without you taking it any further! But I think it is a good thing to be able to take an idea and twist it through many convolutions to come up with a new twist... and it seems to me that's we we do, no?

Make the comment and then make the post that you got inspired from the comment. Win - win! But I know the feeling, have chosen to not post some comments just because I knew I wanted to write about them myself, haha.

In spite of the point I raised here, much of the time I end up NOT making the post... the "inspiration in the moment" leaves and I decide there isn't as much there as I wanted. Truthfully, most of the time, the comments-turned-to-posts are "imports" from some discussion on Facebook... and usually the commentary has turned into mudslinging and name-calling, so I bring the idea over here where-- it seems-- people behave in a more civilized fashion in discussions.

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