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RE: Phill from GCHQ - page 60 - The Torc

in #comics6 years ago

Great page again :-)

I wonder why Eleanor pinches her butt cheeks together like that in the center. She almost looks like she's flying. Gerald probably is immersed in the sight of her cleavage. Somehow he reminds me of you in this young age, while he reminds me of Vincent at the more mature age as one of the narrators ;-)

I'm glad, that you were able to publish the page at thursday again and I will see, that I can do the translation of page 59 within the next few days.


Thanks, mate! I had thought about me looking a bit like the young Gerald, but not that Vincent was the old one :) hilarious thought! Take your time. I guess I will be back on track now. I have not taken lightly to heat, and it has really taken me some time to find my old form after the infection, but now I go to the harbour every day and swim. My arms are almost falling off, but I can work and have more energy now than I have had since I started on Phill.

Hope the holiday is splendid!

Great, that's very good to hear. Maybe soon you'll be a whale, if the water does you so good ;-)

Does Copenhagen have a good swimming pool near the harbour or do you really swim in the harbour basin?

I still find it difficult to return to my daily Steemit routine, because I enjoy the holidays too much. But I'll be back on track soon.

Hopefully I will be a whale soon, especially in the crypto monetary sense!

The water of the harbour basin has for many years been clean and there is these floating wooden constructions that can be used for free.

This is the one use most often. Sometimes they are closed after heavy rainfall, because the sewer has overrun. Then I go to the beach instead. The beach is just as close to where I live but it is easier to swim in a swimming lane that is 75 m. Then you always know exactly how long you have been swimming... silly really now I think of it, but I guess it is the same with people using step counters or running apps.

When I don't feel like it I just drop Steemit for a while. It is part of my working routine and after many years trying to force myself to achieve goals and keep up routines, I have experienced that I am just as effective (and ineffective) when not worrying. It is part of my midlife zen :) Another part of that is to reuse as much as possible , so now I will use some of the text I already wrote to you as a new post about the swimming facilities of Copenhagen :)

Then I will take my daughter to the beach.

Haha, I should take a slice of your midlife zen. It's an excellent idea to turn an interesting comment into a post.

I also think the idea of a free harbour pool is excellent. The construction also blends in well with the architecture of the surroundings.

But beach doesn't sound bad either. When I was in Copenhagen once, I only saw the little mermaid...

After reading your comment, I also had to go swimming today. I went to a neat little open-air bath at the foot of Dragon's Rock.


Thanks for the inspiration ;-)

It's all about recycling these days :) Yes, building the harbour pool was genious and the original has been such a succes that 4 other have been built.

Not sure where Dragon's Rock is, but sounds great.

It‘s a famous hill near my hometown (one of the seven hills). I showed it Vicent, when he visited me and wrote a series about it.

Ah, I had a feeling that I had read about it before - I remember now.

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