Cable: The Man, The Myth, The Marvel Legend

in #comics7 years ago (edited)


I've done it... I freaking did it.

I found the figure that seemed to be unfindable. After visiting a total of 41 stores, I decided to revisit a store that told me they could order it for me. After asking 1 more time if they happened to have any... I asked them to ship it only to find... "Oh, we can't do that... but we can see if anyone else does".

After pretending to be hackerman from Kung Fury, he handed me... this

A print off of literally the ONLY place in their system within 100 miles that still had a cable... Kent... I know none of you know where Kent is ... but it is 50 miles from my house, and I wasn't even home... I was 30 miles away from my house in another direction all together... so I did the only thing any lunatic logical person would.

I called my wife and said...

"We are going on an adventure!"

"Pack up the kids and be ready when I get home... I'm taking a shower and we are leaving ASAP"

and like the wife of any crazy person would say... she obliged

because I literally have the coolest wife of all time

Screenshot (51).png

And so our journey began...

A 52 mile journey in rush hour traffic

But seriously though... I might have walked... to get this damn figure

My son presenting my figure, confused as to why his dad is less mature than he is

Guess what though?

Mr. Gamestop guy, after hearing that I just drove 52 miles approx 1.5 hours gave me 10% off! (2 bucks lol). To be honest, that is a killer deal when most people are scalping them on ebay for about 40 bucks plus shipping/tax.

He is a great figure, his sculpt is super original with a ton of unique accessories and 3 guns!

I love these giant guns that the X-force figures have been coming with. They are just epitome of 90's comics, and make the figure that much more fun.

He can hold the big gun on his back, one in his right hand, and one in a holster on his left hip. His left hand doesn't really do anything though, which I think is kinda funny.

You know what they say... the bigger the gun...

All 3 X-Force homies. I am really happy with this "wave" of figures... they have all been seriously great figures, espcially compared to the recent Infinity wave which is hot trash.

All of my figures minus Black panther and Venomsaurus who are both in the "shop" currently.


so... you've read my grand adventure... my tale of driving over 100 miles in a single day just to bring home this holy grail of a figure that I have searched 42 stores for... for over a month...
Alas, I tell you... it was all in vain.

After work today I stopped in at my local walmart... 5 minutes from my house... out of habit... I walked through the toy aisle to see they had gotten a new shipment in... and what did I see


yeah... it was Cable
1 day later...


Omg.... all the way to KENT!!!! No one wants to go to KENT! Except the people and live there. 😂

So glad you got cable, but did you get him twice?

I hid the second one for a good friend of mine that got me into collecting ;)

You truly are one of the only ones here who could possibly realize how harrowing a journey marysville to kent is during 405s rush hour lol


BTW this is the best thread on steemit that only like three people understand.😄

You did it....!!! And bwahahaha gotta love that Deathlok basically carries around a gatling gun

Thanks man lol. And yes... the freaking barrel even turns. It is a great gun lol. Deathlok's joints seem to be a bit loose though which has been bugging me as of late. I may try to see what I can do to tighten them up.

I shed a single tear for that damn nerd dedication... You set a great example for all of us today... YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!!!!!!

It's the adventure that counts . The time shared with the kids . the stories they will tell their kids . That's what makes a journey , the tails that we come away with . and of course the find to end the journey .

Hahahaha. You would fucking find it the next day at wally world. Life can be a cruel joke sometimes.

crying intensifies

nice post, and a very good profile ^^

Jesus Christ Saywha! We gotta talk!

U need weapons bruh?

You got a 100.00% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @saywha!

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