Speculating on Comics 01.02.2019

in #comics6 years ago

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First and foremost, happy new year to everyone! 2018 has been an interesting year; cryptos have plunged, the markets feel like they too are ready to fall apart, and my beloved Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Brewers couldn't manage a championship this year (at least the Brewers made it interesting). Here's to another year in the books, and to the hope all of us have a great 2019.

This week is a sorted bag for comics. I need to start a follow up type metric on my selections as I feel that would be beneficial to all who read, and to me. Had I made a pick like the The Teen Titans 12, it would be fun to know that is moved up to $60 USD this past month, only to see prices now in the $80-100 USD range. Collectors are a fickle bunch. I've been trying to pick up a second copy of that issue on Ebay; I set a max price at $70 USD of my Christmas money, only to see copies zooming into the 80's, 90's, and even 100's.

So for anyone new reading this, the categories are such :

  • Picks for Flips : these I will personally have no chance for, but if you see them and can afford them, take a chance to buy and sell. I know some think flipping is not right, but I personally don't have a problem with it. If you can take a Rags #1 and make a few bucks so that you can buy that first appearance of Miles Morales, Swamp Thing, or even Zatanna, why not? I'm not made of money, and my 21 Litecoins did absolutely nothing, so why not try it to pick something up I'm not interested in if someone else finds it worth it? Supply and demand, as it were - sorry Karl Marx!

  • Items for My Long Term Collections : these are ones I have no intent on selling, and hope to eventually pass onto my daughter one day. I may even slab a few of these at some point in the future for long term collection value.

  • Other Items of Interest : these might be wild cards, or stories of interest, or even comic books hinting at some larger gnostic revelations. When I say speculation, I do intend it to include the idea of speculating on a story that is very enjoyable to read. Maybe Netflix will pick it up some day, but that isn't the intent of the category.

So without further ado, let's review:

Picks for Flips

Project Superpowers #5 Mattina 1:10 Virgin Variant

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Honestly, I've not kept up with series whatsoever, but this one sold out in less than 24 hours online. Demand is high; if you see it, and don't want to keep it long term, this is a prime one to flip. I won't have a chance at it, but I hope you do.

Rags 2 Second Printing

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Speaking of Rags, here is one you can take a chance on. There is a bit of controversy out there with these comics, as there are apparently multiple versions of the limited number of issues thus far. I don't read this series, and the Rags bubble could pop soon, but if you are feeling like making a bet, grab this one from Antarctic Press if you see it Wednesday.

Champions 1 Garbett 1:50 Variant

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Another that sold out quickly, and bids are in the $38- $50 USD range already for preorders on Ebay. Again, I won't get it, as I'd rather spend $50 on Batgirl 23, but if you have the cash and energy, this might be a good bet.

Items for My Long Term Collection

Immortal Hulk 11 Alex Ross Cover

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How weird is that cover? How amazing is this story so far? The Hulk and company have moved through the Green Door and into Hell. Now it's just a matter of bizarre Ewing takes it; will we see something similar to Moore's Swamp Thing? Or something much more fantastic? I can't wait to read this one this week.

Batgirl 30 Middleton Variant

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This is the last Middleton entry on Batgirl, which makes me kind of sad. One of the reasons I got back into this hobby was the beautiful Batgirl 23 cover. I know some have stated that Artgerm's Catwoman or even the Morbius Domino covers are covers of the year, but I think 23 is hands down the most beautiful I've seen. I'm biased, however, as my little girl is red headed too. Don't forget, Artgerm is taking on issue #31's cover...look out!

Detective Comics 995 Brooks Variant

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It's Mark Brooks, and it's Batman. The story isn't bad too, and 1000 is getting so close. My understanding is that are a whole bunch of 1000 variants on the way; I'll plan to post those images when I get a chance too.

The Flash 61 Chew Variant

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There might be some demand for these... Chew's Flash 60 had two sales on Ebay for $10.25 USD and $7 USD, and the current average is @ $7 USD per raw copy. One to watch, me thinks...I'm not selling, but this might fun to watch over the next few months. These might be my first ones to "slab".

Wonder Woman 61 Frison Variant

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Frison's Wonder Woman covers have cooled off, but I'm still holding long term. These are beautiful, and I hope my daughter appreciates them in the future.

Raven 11 (Putri Cover)

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I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Raven; during the epic Dark Knight Metal series, she challenged one of the evil Batman in respect to the darkness they had faced. It was part of the series that I always remember, and after watching the Titans this past month, my appreciation for her character is even stronger. Plus it sounds like there is some crazy supernatural things going on in this series.

Batman Beyond 23 Johnson Variant

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I doubt there is much demand for this one, but I love this cover. Batman Beyond, Joker playing cards, a solid story involving the Joker. I'm digging it. Now I just need to start upgrading my Terry McGinnis character on my DC Legends mobile game.

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Other Items of Interesting

Conan the Barbarian 1

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I'm not a giant Conan fan, but I think I'll pick this one up. There are a ton of variants for this, but I'm only getting the A cover. My curiosity with this new series is where they take it. Conan was created by Robert E. Howard in the 1930's, and Howard was part of the whole Weird Tales/HP Lovecraft thing going on at that time. My hope is that we get to see a return to the themes of that time with Conan. Mythos Lovecraftian? Yes please. I just wish the Zaffino variant was under $5 USD too

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Tony Stark Iron Man 7 Lozano Cover

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Look at that cover. What is going on here? Symbiotes? Iron Man? The description of this issue is very ambiguous and vague. Something about reality being a lie? I like it...we'll see what is going on with this.

Hex Wives 3

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I know many think this is an "agenda" style story, but I like it. These are one of those stories where you find story elements paralleling with events in the real world (or at least what we think is the real world). I remember hearing about a "wall of fires" in California in the news, and then suddenly this issue speaks to a community of witches with amnesia being surrounded by a "wall of fire". Weird, but I like it. And for better or worse, I still think this one gets made into a television or film in the futures.

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That's it for this week; many thanks for reading. I'm also picking up Heroes in Crisis this week too, but everyone probably already knew that. Have a very safe and fun New Year's Eve to all, and we'll see everyone in 2019. Thank you !

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