Speculating on Comic Books for October 24 2018

in #comics6 years ago

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Last week I didn’t manage to come away with many books on my list. I was able to secure Venom Annual #1 (which is going for $9-$11 USD w/ shipping currently) and that Robin cover, but no luck on Harley Quinn, Thor, or the Middleton Aquaman. And The Source? Not even close!

This week I’m keeping it pretty easy. I’m going to break each week down into three parts : 1) must haves for my collection (I’ll probably pay a premium on Ebay just to get them), 2) nice to haves if possible, and 3) books I want to just read. This list is evolving as I evolve back into collecting, so as always, point out stuff I am doing wrong or should add.

Must Haves

I’m going with two Josh Middleton covers this week ( really should start a Middleton scorecard)

Batgirl 27 Variant

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Another one for my daughter’s collection; hard to know what this ends up at, but #26 variant looks like it is beginning to final sell out online. I might pick up the foil cover too, as I like the artwork on that one too.

Books of Magic #1 Variant

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I loved this series when I was younger; the original Harry Potter with run-ins through time and space with the Phantom Stranger, the Spectre, and of course John Constantine. I’m looking forward to seeing where this new series goes. My understanding is that it is now tied to the Sandman Universe

Wonder Woman 57 Jenny Frinson Variant

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One I’ll have no luck in getting at my local shop, but might preorder on Ebay for a premium. Why? Frinson’s WW 56 variant is currently between $8-$15 USD on Ebay with shipping. I really want to find this one at cover value, however.

Nice to Haves

Action Comics #1004

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I think this one is gorgeous; I believe it is a foil cover, so I’m hoping to find one lightly/to no damage this Wednesday. Superman flying among a bunch of birds? My daughter loves birds...definitely going to pick this one up if there. For some reason,Action Comics seems to sell out at my store within the first 5 minutes of opening, so I haven’t been able to keep up with it.

Flash #57 Howard Porter Variant

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This one sold out online straight away, so there is demand. I would only pick this one up if I’m batting 1-4 / 1-5 by this point come Wednesday morning.

Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider #1 Argterm Variant

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Artgerm again; his Supergirl hasn’t done much yet, but I’ll keep being bullish on his variant work.

Books I Want to Read

Detective Comics 991

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I’ve been enjoying this arc thus far. And it’s Batman

Justice League Odyssey #2

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I enjoyed #1 quite a bit; it’s got a weird time loop thing going on with Cyborg, Sapphire, GL Jessica Cruz, and a Wayne financed Azrael. All of these heroes somewhat become “deities” to lost worlds previously trapped. I think. I’m a sucker for these type of stories, so I’ll shoot for the foil version.

Whispering Dark #1

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From the little I’ve read online, this is a horror/action tale with Lovecraftian overtones. Really hoping it’s there Wednesday morning.

Infinity Wars ArachKnight #1

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I do love Moon Knight and Spiderman, so I’ll pick this one up if available to check it. Looks like the variants is selling out, so I’ll be happy with cover A (sold out variant is above).

That’s it for this week. It looks like everything is moving towards magic in the comic industry, which is very telling. Given that Grant Morrison is coming up next month with Green Lantern, there is no certainty about what is about to happen, comics or otherwise.

Anyone recommend anything else tomorrow morning? My store is heavily geared toward the big publishers; is there anything out there that others would recommend? As always, much appreciated and thank you for reading. Good luck tomorrow!


I pop into my local shop to grab extra items, try new series, snag some trade collections, etc. but I do love dcbservice.com for my regular ordering. If you know there are just some artist variants you’ll want sight unseen, you can order a couple months in advance there. For instance, if you like all the Cho Harley Quinn covers, pre order #56 there right now for $2.39! The condition I get from them is fantastic, I do opt for them to ship bagged & boarded. They also fulfill with integrity... of course they wouldn’t want to piss off their customers! But still, I was kinda wondering if my copy of Batman: Damned #1 would make it into the end of the month shipment box even though it was already selling for $60+ online, but sure enough, it did!

Don’t cut the local shop out, but I’d give it a look over eBay per orders for sure. Or see if @blewitt has what you need... he may even take Steem for payment!

thanks for the recommendation - I'll add that to my favorites. I see my Batgirls are already sold out on there, but a Deathstroke is available.

I hear you on not wanting to cut the local shop out; my place has been in business since I was in middle school (that would be +30 years ago), and I kind of enjoy the hunt, as it were.

did you sell that Batman Damned? I picked mine up at my store, and remember there were 5 copies of each cover. I had no idea it was about to sell out. I'm keeping my issue for a bit. Thanks again - those discounts are huge for collecting!

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