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RE: Doomsday Speculation (the Comic Book, That Is...)

in #comics6 years ago

very cool, did you keep them? I remember wanting to get those subs as a kid, but never did. I remember that scene where Doomsday smashes Super-girls face in (think she wasn't Supergirl per se then); Doomsday was an insane villain.

If I recall correctly, Syfy's Krypton included Doomsday at the end of the first season. I'm curious if they'll run that into the eventual origin Doomsday comics at some point.


My mom has them in her collection, but yes, they were kept. :)

The scene with Supergirl (or rather the alien shapeshifter that took Supergirl's form) was just one of many scenes that stick out in my mind from those books. One punch and she basically went to jelly.

Blue Beetle having his head slammed in the car door was pretty gnarly too.

My favorite "oh SHIT!" moments in all of comic history involves Doomsday, though not from the "Death of Superman" arc, but rather in "Our Worlds At War". Things are so dire with the arrival of Imperiex that a small group of heroes is sent to the Justice League satellite specifically to release Doomsday from his 'prison' there. Of course the first thing he does is beat the shit out of the team who releases him and pretty much wrecks the whole satellite.

They finally get Doomsday wrestled under control and mentally reprogrammed so he sees Superman as an ally, and Imperiex as Superman. The pair fly at Imperiex, with Doomsdays just tearing through the smaller probes like he's hiking through a forest and brushing leaves off his clothing...and Imperiex disintegrates him down to his component molecules in a heartbeat, then turns to Superman and says the only reason he isn't doing the same to him is because somebody has to report just how badly their plan failed. :)

Like...holy SHIT! XD

ha, I'll have to pick that arc up. I didn't read that one, but it sounds like a good one. I'm not familiar with Imperiex; is that one considered one of the elite villains in the DC mythos?

It's an enormous arc that ran all through the DC universe for the better part of a year, so you'll want to get the TPBs. The main one is Superman: Our Worlds At War, but that only covers about 2/3rds of what went on during the Imperiex saga. :)

Imperiex is...ridiculously powerful. Like universe-ending strong. Mix Thanos, Onslaught, and Galactus, give them each an Infinity Gauntlet, and Imperiex would eat them for breakfast. His closest Marvel analog would be someone like Living Tribunal or Beyonder, a being so completely outside the realm of "documenting powers" that trying isn't even possible. It's like demanding an answer to the question, "What echo does the taste of not-purple reflect upon the amoebas who refuse to see it?" :)

Nice description! I can't believe I missed this character and storyline. I have so much to get caught up on, it's unbelievable. I'm debating on getting that new DC streaming service, and I think a lot of old comics are available to read with that service. I'll have to see if that series is on there.

Too much too read, but that's a good problem!

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