Frank Castle, Thanos, and Galactus : A Cosmic Ghost Rider # 2 Review

in #comics6 years ago (edited)

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What a great second part to what will ultimately be a five part series. If one recalls, when we last left issue #1, we learned that :

A different Marvel timeline’s version of Frank Castle was the Punisher, the Ghost Rider, the herald of Galactus, and the Right Hand Man of Thanos

When he finally died, this version of Castle was then saved by Odin, the Highfather, and resurrected in Asgard. Not yet finished with his vengeance, Odin converted Castle into one more manifestation of vengeance : the Cosmic Ghost Rider.

Castle’s intent as this new form of the justice was to go back in time and murder the baby Thanos on the planet Titan. However, upon seeing the baby Thanos in his crib, Castle was unable to kill the child. And after a brief scuffle between Castle and baby Thanos, we learn the child is indeed still innocent. With all that said, we see issue #1 ending with the Cosmic Ghost Rider riding into his space on his cosmic motorcycle with Thanos strapped to his chest in a chain Baby Bjorn.

** Warning: Spoilers are most certainly ahead **


Issue # 2 begins with Castle and Thanos both drinking at a bar on the planet Markus-Centauri. While explaining to Thanos over a beer his belief that he can change the destiny of Thanos by removing Thanos from his home planet, we soon discover that Markus-Centauri is roughly ten minutes away from complete annihilation by Galactus, the World Devour. As it turns out, Castle’s only known acquaintance in this period of time is Galan, the Destroyer of Worlds - Galactus. Castle has sought out Galactus for guidance; perhaps Galactus, the Punisher believes, will be able to provide insight on how to change the fate of Thanos.


After a very cool couple of art panels that include Galactus’ arrival to Markus-Centauri, Star Sharks (yes, Star Sharks), and the cosmic, telepathic connection between Frank and Galactus, Galan recognizes his future ally. Galactus also sees his future death at the hand of Thanos, and Frank’s betrayal and alliance with Thanos. With said insight in mind, Galactus asks to be given Thanos in order to a) murder him and b) prevent his future death. The Cosmic Ghost Rider disagrees and argues the child’s known fate can still be averted, with a proper upbringing of course. It’s at this point Uatu the Watcher arrives.


In a very short, excellent dialogue between Uatu and Castle, we witness the terrible choice being made by Frank. For as Uatu states, Thanos, the Mad Titan, is a universal constant. No matter what timeline or part of the multiverse one exists in, Thanos is death. His fate can not be altered, as Thanos represents the need for existing things to terminate. He is a symbol of the ceaseless function of the Marvel multiverse wherein all living things need to ultimately be annihilated. Thanos, as we know him, needs to exist. He is the Tower of the Tarot. Uatu knows this, and confesses that he has only come to witness the immediate outcome of a timeline wherein the worst decision of Creation has ever been made: a timeline wherein the Punisher raises Thanos as a child.


It’s a brilliant exchange between the two legends of the Marvel Universe. And once the decision is made, Uatu sets off an explosion sending Castle and Thanos spurning to the ground. Soon thereafter, a version of the Guardians of Galaxy led by Cable has arrived and placed a gun to Castle’s head.

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This comic is a lot of fun, to be honest. The version of the Guardians of the Galaxy that have just arrived includes Cable, a Captain Marvel/Captain America (possibly the daughter of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage), a Rocket/Groot crossbreed, and the unstoppable Juggerduck. Juggerduck, a hybrid of Juggernaut and Howard the Duck. How awesome is that?

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Whatever Uatu the Watcher has hinted at, I’m excited to the outcome of this decision the Punisher has made. Highly recommend comic to everyone, and as mentioned earlier, there are only going to be five issues, so enjoy it while it lasts. I am enjoying writer Donnie Cates and Dylan Burnett’s chemistry in this series. The plot moves very quickly, and the substance of writing and art is very high in quality. Let’s go Cosmic Ghost Rider; better yet, let’s go Juggerduck!


Cosmic ghost rider sounds like a great idea to introduce to the Agents of SHIELD show. Great post :)

could you imagine? How cool would that be? Honestly, this story would make for a great stand alone film (at least thus far). To see a Galactus done properly on the big screen would be amazing. Thanks for stopping by!

You're very welcome. I think most fans will want to see Galactus in FF movie first. Or maybe Avengers. I don't think they'll use Ghost Rider in the movies caz he's a TV character now.

Juggerduck???? That almost has a " jumping the shark" feel to it.

I can't wait to see Juggerduck - I really like the feel of this story, and the characters they are running through it. Very good stuff.

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