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RE: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes | Comic Update #5

in #comics6 years ago

It's crazy to research how they used to dress. And yeah upperclass women usually had servants to help them out but, from what I interpreted in my research, the fancy in-style clothes were modified so that the everyday woman could wear them and dress herself.

Yeah, absolutely! Everyone has their own take on things; I think I stay away from setups like the original because I used to do things like that a lot in college and my art professors would always make me change it. But in the end, it's art and art is subjective. So no two people are going to interpret the same piece the same way.

Okay, so far that's two votes for both Everett and Ira! And those are all good names, I'll definitely use some. I love Camilla.

Thanks so much for reading and for the feedback! It's always appreciated :)

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