Comic Book Art Traffic Review

in #comics7 years ago (edited)

Now that the Comic Link Summer Auction is under way, we are watching several cool pieces gain traction in the bidding wars. So this is a really special week for the Comic Book Art Traffic Review!

We have already reviewed most of these pieces over the past few months and with about 9 days left to bid, the dust is starting to settle.

So for images we have already reviewed, I am only posting bidding info and a small thumbnail. Images that have not been reviewed on this blog yet will be full-sized and contain a full review, like usual.

Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #2 Cover by James Harren

This is a hilarious image, with fantastic story-telling composition. I have been in the hospital recently and I remember a little sign on the wall intended to explain how much pain a person is in, based on their facial expression. So even if you somehow do not know who Hawkeye or DeadPool is, you can probably still tell what is going on here.

The details in this image are in the foreground characters, so I also think the minimalism used in the background characters was a really nice choice. The arrows in Hawkeyes quiver use that same technique very nicely.

The current bid for this image is surprisingly low at $425.00. Anyone looking to become an art dealer should probably start here.

Uncanny X-Men #266 Cover by Andy Kubert

1st appearance of Gambit, current bid $85,000.00, reserve not yet met! What?!?!

Daredevil The Man Without Fear #1 Cover by John Romita Jr.

Current bid $10,500.00.

Wolverine #6 Back Cover by Todd McFarlane

Current bid $4,131.00.

What if this was the Fantastic Four? by Dave Williams and Art Adams

This piece carries a touching story as it was originally created to be the cover for a book titled, What if this was the Fantastic Four? However, Wieringo, who was working on the book tragically died at the age of 44 and this image was donated to a foundation to help folks in similar situations.

Lots of motion, not only in the fall capturing everyone in uniquely complicated positions, but I also really like Ghost Riders spinning chain. A rather emotional masterpiece well worth the simple $700.00 current bid. In my humble opinion, the value of this image should go up considerably in years to come, especially if it sells for $700.00 in 9 more days.

Avengers Classic #7 Cover by Art Adams

Current Bid $2,500.00

Pinocchio's Blue Fairy by J. Scott Campbell

Current Bid $2,300.00.

Spawn #33 Page 17 by Todd Mcfarlane and Greg Capullo

We have not reviewed this image here yet because it is very complicated and quite honestly, hard to look at. It takes commitment to work your way through the tiny details in order to achieve an understanding of what is even going on in this image.

I own this book, and the image was drawn with every intention of coloring in PhotoShop, so I have always had great appreciation for this image... I was just never sure that I could properly relay the beauty in such an ugly piece of art appropriately.

Now that the current bid is at $2,700.00 for this piece of art, I felt it deserves to be shown. This may be the last time we get to see it in such detail. So be sure to open it up in a new tab to zoom in and look at it closely.

Incredible Hulk #62 Cover by Mike Deodato Jr.

Current bid $706.00.

Captain America White #3 Page 10 by Tim Sale

Sale has been a well renown artist in the industry for decades, and this piece currently bid at $385.00 is fine artwork for such a price.

The composition tells a great story that is starting to build up to something good. The cut to the inside of the tank is creative and fun. I really enjoy the landscaping, the trees in all black in the background with snow blowing by in the foreground. Cap is not in a good position here and it makes me grit my teeth to read this.

The bottom frame is really nice too. The huge swash of gray in the foreground, white in the middle with black silhouettes, followed by the black trees in the background and more of that wonderful snow. This is fantastic technique here.

BatGirl Vol. 2 Hardcover by Ardian Syaf

Current bid $392.00.

Spawn #33 Page 22 by Todd McFarlane and Greg Capullo

This version of Spawn from the same timeframe as the image posted above is not quite as complicated, but you still need to focus quite hard to really soak it all up. The image of Spawn in the foreground is dark, and cool just like I remember. However, if you look really closely, Spawn is walking down that sewer and through the archway at the top. The tiny version of Spawn is inked in a highly minimalist fashion.

The use of negative space is everywhere and the best details are in the pipes above and in the splashes of that disgusting sewer water below.

The current bid is $1,800.00, which is surprisingly low. Not that I have anywhere near the money for this art but I just expected it to be worth more, say around 5k. We'll see what happens in the next 9 days!

Thanks For Reading


Wow, some are definitely a steal at current bids, while stuff like that first Gambit cover are insanely priced... wow!

The story on the Wieringo piece is quite sad. I'm hoping to make it to the Baltimore Comicon in a couple weeks. There'll be some great tributes to him there this year.

I met Art like last year or so and fucking stuttered like a little puss asking him to sign my FF 347-349, those three issues because they mean a lot to me in my personal comic reading history. So neat this little extra piece of information that they were going to be back sort of but it not happen, love that Art and Dave did this piece.

And what in the hell, that Gambit piece is priceless, the world doesn't even know yet the greatness of Gambit that hasn't even been tapped to it's potential at all in the X-Men movies alone yet just overall since X-Men in comics are shit on too. Anything with Gambit's name on it collectible wise is just super smart investing, no one is going to let this character die out and his hey day is still out there.

I can't wait to get into original pages, one day.

Rumors that Disney might be buying fox movie and tv assets, maybe Gambit will show up in the new MCU I can not wait to see what happens!!

If that does happen, which I don't mind at all of course, I do wonder if it will still be Chaning Tatum attached

I just checked the Gambit piece again and it is up to 90k, reserve still not yet met. Could you imagine buying one of Kubert's crap covers for a couple hundie back in the 80's... Hang on to it for 30 years, then sell it for 100K!?!?!?

High rollers!

Here sure is

I seriously would love to run through Cage's collection and talk comics with him... and absolutely nothing else lol.

Great and good are seldom the same man.

- Winston Churchill

That is very wise. lol

I hope you stay in character old man. Followed, I look forward to seeing you around!

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