Comic Book Art - Traffic Review

in #comics7 years ago

Here we review original, pro, comic book art that has recently traded hands. These images are high resolution photos of the original artwork, not prints.

Open these images in a new tab so you can zoom in and look around.

Superman - Peace On Earth by Alex Ross

This is a double page splash (DPS), watercolor painting by Ross from back in 1999. Apparently, the owner of this piece had forgotten to show it off online when it was purchased, so it has recently surfaced and drawn quite the crowd of onlookers as a result.

This image reminds me of a great period from Ross in the 90s. His classic take on the super hero, especially Superman, seems to root in the Golden Age of the good ole' USA. This time between the end of World War II and the 1970's was a heart warming time in the US, with an innocence well depicted in shows like Leave It To Beaver, and Andy Griffith. Ross' ability to intentionally capture this style shows a wisdom beyond his years that is nearly impossible to mistake for someone else.

Superman's face, hair, and body fits the era perfectly. While rescuing the truck, Superman's abdomen puffs out a little bit like so many middle aged, American men when lifting heavy things. And even though those lion claws are digging in, Superman cannot feel it, so he hugs the lion back of course, never hurting an animal along the way.

Batman #1 Vol. 2 Cover by Greg Capullo

Anyone reading this blog for a while knows about the passion here for Greg Capullo, as well as the ridiculously high prices for Capullo's work. This just happens to be the original cover, for Batman # 1 Vol.2 by DC. This second volume of Batman has been totally refreshed with a modern feel and is often referred to as the New 52.

The owner of this piece discusses the high prices of Capullo's work. Based on what we have seen in the past, this cover probably sold for close to $40,000.00, which seems very high for such a new piece of art. However, the owner indicates that there was a bidding war at this price range, so not only is the art worth this price already but Capullo still did not want to let it go.

It nearly seems like Capullo put a high price on this piece thinking no one would ever pay it, so he could keep it for his own. It was reported that Capullo himself teared up with emotion upon allowing this piece to go. Capullo was even there, in person, delivering the piece to the new owner. Capullo bought the new owner a drink and made several comments about how important this piece was to his life and his career. Capullo admitted, he did not need the money but rather, each piece was a part of him and his life, so they were priced accordingly.

The composition and use of negative space to frame in the action is second to none, and rather breathtaking. Batman's wings cut through the smoke above and force the eye down into the action where Batman looks confident bashing all of our favorite evil doers. I do not think there could have been a better cover for the first comic in a new series, nor a better artist chosen. Well done DC, well done Capullo. You are a match made in heaven.

Spawn #33 Page 5 by Todd Mcfarlane and Greg Capullo

There is a lot going on in this piece and the devil is in the details, in more than one way! Usually we look at covers done by Capullo here, but this is not a cover. It is a full page splash image for sure, but this is also a storyboard depicting an important scene. Therefore the composition is not built for a cover, rather for storytelling from top to bottom, left to right.

This type of work translates to video and camera work very nicely, and the collage effect sends the reader into a dreamy recollection of Spawn's inner thoughts. At the top, we see Spawn thinking deeply and as we read down, the image transforms into the various evil doers Spawn has been facing.

If I remember this book correctly, Spawn's face is being held together by some string as he took a Batarang straight to the face in a Batman/Spawn crossover by Frank Miller just a few months prior. I remember it being quite a treat seeing that storyline respected back in the original Spawn books like we see here. If you look closely, you can see the bits of string holding Spawn's face together!

Judge Anderson by Arthur Adams

Can we really go through a week without closely analyzing an Arthur Adams piece of art? The answer is clearly, no. This is another mind blowing Adams commission that will not disappoint!

The details in this piece are astounding, and it is very easy to get lost in them. From the expression on her face, to the cross hatching on Judge Death's fingers, to all of those little leaves on the ground and the bare tree in the background representing a cold, December sort of feel.

The composition is brilliantly designed making it essentially impossible for the viewers eye to leave this image. Every inch of this image was designed specifically to keep us interested and it works, really, really well. Notice how the helmet in the bottom right leads the viewer back into her legs and those fingers again. The bottom left has some similar appeal but not only there, the grave stone on the mid right, the list just goes on and on and on. This is truly an amazing masterpiece.

The Darkness #11 Cover by Michael Turner

Bravo Mr. Turner, may the bards sing your praise for 10,000 generations! All of those scales and details are actually wound up in such a way, that they reveal the human body. Obviously the sex appeal of every character here is important, they are all beautiful creatures but there is a lot to appreciate in the human form. After all, the human body is naturally appealing to, people. Of course if we go overboard, then the artistic qualities are lost, because people tend to know when their nature is being exploited and often times, people don't like that.

Turner had a way with such things, the man had taste, and style that was undeniable. This piece actually reminds me of another one of my favorite artists who happens to blog here on Steemit, Peter Gric. @gric really seems to understand this concept well and if this piece interests you, I highly recommend checking out Peter's blog.

Thanks For Reading


Some of that art is fantastic! I have a couple of Amazing Spider-Man issues autographed by Todd MacFarlane!

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