
Don't know if you read French, but there is also an interesting collection that does esoteric themes but with a little bit more of a serious tone. It's called La Loge noire. I used to borrow them at the public library.

Actually, I am trying to improve my French these days, I want to learn Zulu and that is the next language that will be available on duolingo, but while waiting I am doing some French-lessons and I have been reading some of my bande dessinée (the French cartoons that I own) - I will see if I can get hold of La loge noire.

All I know is French, English, and a little tiny bit of Spanish. You seem like someone speaking many different languages. How many do you speak? Would you be someone who we could consider as a polyglot?

If I learn some Zulu I will call myself a Polyglot, but until then I think I only get points for enthusiasm. I read a little Latin and ancient Greek because I specialised in Gymnasium (Danish high school) and that has made it easier to learn the European languages, but I can still see the torment I put both French, Italian and Germans through when I wreck their languages.

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