New Comic Book Wednesday! - Part 1- To Read Pile! (late)

in #comics6 years ago (edited)

Good Afternoon My Comic Book Loving Crypto Friends!

Quick story. The first post I ever did on this platform that gained any traction outside of my introductory post was my first comic book post. The link is for reference only as it has long since paid out. It was upvoted by @curie and I was not only hooked on Steemit but my hobby was reinvigorated again. You see, that very day I had walked into my comic book store, picked up my books and cancelled all of my subscriptions. I had waned a little thin on collecting and have a Kindle back catalogued with enough to keep me busy a life time or more. Since then I've been digging through my boxes trying to put together some cohesive articles for everybody to peruse. I've been happy. Well, today I went back in and picked stuff up! Not subscription based mind you just a random peruse. Some of it would have been had and others not. It is fifteen books though so the break up will go like this.........

I collect for two very different reasons, at least the weekly issues, older stuff is altogether different. Those reasons are A) Stuff I want to read and B) Covers that I like! So that's how this edition of New Comic Book Day will be broken down. It's not to say that some of my to read books don't have great covers and that some of my great cover books aren't worth's just how my particular cookie crumbles. So without further ado......To Read!

P.S. I have not yet read any of these so anything I say......speculation!

P.P.S Sometime over the last 48 hours I went from 49 to 51 rep! Milestone surpassed. Thanks Everyone!

I'll Start Familiar......

Everybodies Favorite Alt Future Grandpa!

Old Man Logan Vol. 2 issue 45

Man, I'm telling you, and I've covered it before but things are not looking good for Logan. He has been taking a serious, serious beating for what 20 books now? More if you count his Weapon X side adventures. I don't know of course, speaking strictly as a fan, but this has to be coming to a head soon.......It had better not be Bullseye though I hate that dude. I must say I have been impressed with the consistency though. They really love showing off his now one bone clawed hand. It's been a really solid read and I will hate to see it......and him go, when that time comes.

Also, does this dude look like Heihachi from Tekken sometimes?

Weapon X-Force!


Again, with the man down.....

Weapon X Vol. 3 issue 21

So this is the end of Team Weapon X or it's at least billed that way. In the next issue, also pictured, they are rebranded as Team Weapon X-Force. It makes me wonder if we will see a book rebranding as well? Well anyways, mad props James Proudstar, protect your boy. This doesn't look good... I do like the cover. Not enough to have bought it alone for such but eye catching enough if you've been following the series. Logan's character has been pretty good here and it's been a solid read, Sabretooth has been fun though as well. It's not often a book gets to spawn an it character like ,Weapon H!

Weapon X Vol. 3 issue 22

The aforementioned Team Weapon X-Force. That doesn't exactly roll off of the tongue does it....? Anyways, it looks like we lost Old Man Logan and James Proudstar AKA Warpath. In their stead the team had picked up Omega Red and Mystique. Wild. Still not a team I would tango with and altogether duplicitous and perfect for X-Force esque actions! Like I said, it will be curious to see if this thing sticks or comes to a close in a few books. I would probably keep reading despite a Wolverine absence and if they rebranded it properly and more succinctly, who knows? Also, just cause he's gone now doesn't mean he or his children or clones or any other versions of Wolvie couldn't show back up. Also, this cover seems a bit busy to me......

Out of the Major Leagues and into the Minors!


Great cover art.....just like the inside!

Hillbilly issues 11 & 12

I have been remiss in all of my previous posts to have never included an issue of this book. I have actually done you a disservice. I have also done myself one for never having read any of Eric Powell's books before. This includes The Goon! Let me just say that I have loved the adventures of Rondell in their entirety to this point. The first seven or eight issues seemed to be fairly stand alone and if you see one snag it, but it seems as if all of those were just laying groundwork and mythos for an upcoming epic clash between our blind witchhunter Rondell and the Appalachian mountain witches. Awesome stuff. Great art. Atmospheric. Talking bear!

Do you need more?

Like Your Fantasy on Acid!


This has quite the Saga look and feel to it and first glance

Coda issue 4

I'll admit I showcased issue 3 but never read it. The first two were a wild ride though and I have every intention of sitting down and getting through them tonight or this weekend! I like a really unique world. Blending the post apocalyptic with the fantasy is really well done, a Mad Maxian feel. I don't know if it has the heart I need but it has the guts. There have been some pretty sweet covers and variants plus Boom! always outdoes itself on the paperstock!

A Little Sci Fi With That Fantasy?


I don't love these covers....but I LOVE that creature!

Stellar issue 2 & Stellar issue 3

I'll admit it's been awhile since I read issue 1. Clearly I've been lapped and am two issues behind. Hmm, a common theme here. What I do remember is that I really liked it. It kind of has a true intergalactic feel to it, true sci fi. Think Moebius and The Incal or Luc Besson and his movies. Of course, it's not that it's its own thing. I like that. I'm not super wild about the covers here the images seem, I don't know, stilted? Inside the book however it all feels very lush and robust. That critter she is riding though has my heart. I need one. Some of the design along with the aforementioned masters has a bit of a Mass Effect feel. Again, not story wise just, maybe look and see? There might be superpowers at play here but the world itself is more conducive to something else.

Well that concludes this Part 1 of......No, Wait. BONUS! It goes best here so.....

Not A Reader, A Must Have!


In the Fang suit....Wouldn't mind seeing that again!

Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 issue 451

A must have for me, this is the second issue of a two issue arc in which my girl Laura Kinney AKA X-23 meets the X-Men hence Wolverine for the first time. I have been looking for this book and issue 450 forever. I never wanted to pull that Ebay trigger so I held fast. The comic book store had one of their old glass cases cleaned out of junk and had a lot of new stuff in it. Modern semi-keys etc. Super cool! Yes, please I'll take it! Now I just need to find that companion issue. Would have never got it if I didn't go back in.

Please join me here in about an hour and a half for Part Two of New Comic Book Wednesday - Great Covers!

Thanks again for your time and attention!




Nice! Someone else reading Hillbilly and Stellar! I’m a bit behind, I read the first Hillbilly trade and need to read the second. I picked up a slightly damaged copy on the 1/2 off rack at my shop a couple weeks ago. Stellar, read #1, probably #2 tonight, and #3 is waiting to ship from Discount Comic Book Service which I just started using again a couple months ago.

I even made a couple posts recently about Stellar and Bret Blevins, as he’s the artist on the comic that got me started, New Mutants #65. I’m so excited to see him working regularly in comics again. It’s even a goal of mine to hire him for a variant cover when I finish the comic I’m working on!

Hillbilly is killer. Theres a 3d issue! I don't really know Blevins so this is all a first to me.

Just what are you working on?

I'm working on a comic of my own entitled, "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." You'll find probably about half the posts in my blog are related to it in one way or another! I just launched a Fundition campaign to help fund it, which is basically like a Steem based KickStarter. So you can earn your way to a free copy and other swag just by upvoting any of my Fundition update posts!
There's a decent intro to the comic/campaign at!/@bryan-imhoff/fzjpdacz9

or you can bookmark but I just started putting that site together this week, so give it a week or two to really shape up and get all my Steem blog content ported over and organized!

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