"Manspreading"... old news?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #comics7 years ago

Manspreading ... now becoming illegal in public places...brought to you by the Tavistock Institute of Social Engineering!

I mean, really??? This is a drawing of the NY City subway. You are going to tell me that in this picture, there is nothing more badder than this dude with this legs spread??? No one cares anymore about the gang-tagging, the filth, the price of the ticket to get on, the homeless people sleeping on the subway - NO! We are buying into this utter BULLSHIT? Wow.

I drew this picture of the NY City Subway for my "subway" calendar - not much has changed... except now being a man is "illegal".

We need to get back to Natural Law. How are men causing harm to other people by "manspreading"? On a crowded subway, everybody closes their legs, believe me, so on an uncrowded subway, who cares? Just a bunch of busy-body self-policing malcontents who need to mind their own business...



I am a little late on the uptake, I know, but this is just so horrifying to my sensibilities that I cannot believe people are allowing this to go on - MEN - this is the back end of the NeoFeminist Agenda to emasculate men to blur the gender roles so that humanity just becomes a huge glop and is easier to manipulate...and we are just going along with it.

After all, who are the people who are going to fight for our freedoms ultimately in the bloody war? MEN. Men in the species are the physically strong ones - but if they are all worried about whether their legs are shut they might be too busy to BE MEN.

Men used to have testicles -and that's why they sit on the seat that way. GROW A PAIR and you might see ...

Insert joke about living in "the Land of the Free" here

My husband always says that he sits that way because he has balls. I read him your post, and he said he's not about to squash his balls to protect someone else's feelings! :D

These people are crazy. I can't believe they make up mental disorders, and then ignore the crazy walking the streets.

I still can't believe this is the world we are living in....

Thanks @simgirl - and YES this IS the world WE chose to incarnate into so that WE can FREE our minds and have our ASSes follow so we can LEAD the lemmings who are still A-f***ing-SLEEP... that's cool you read my post to your husband... I heard about this "manspreading" on Mark Passio's 191st podcast I was listening to last night - his response to it was classic. It is all part of the agenda to bring in the New World Order...

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