Copper Age Classic Comic Book - Lobo from 1990
Lobo #1 (November 1990) by DC Comics
Lobo is the last survivor of his entire civilization that he personally annihilated just because he wanted to be unique in the universe. But Lobo seems to have missed one, and now that survivor's gone and written an unauthorized biography of Lobo, which doesn't make our maniac very happy. Written by Keith Giffen and Alan Grant, drawn Simon Bisley
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Oh, the memories... I remember this issue, LOBO was an anti-hero with a lot of lolz! The people involved are of my favorites in the comics industry: I was collecting Mills' SLAINE and greatly enjoyed Grant's DREDD in 2000AD.
Lobo always brings a few laughs , i grabbed this when i was a kid. Don't mess with the main man.