Comic Books from the 90s - The Geek from 1993

in #comics4 years ago

Vertigo Visions The Geek #1 (1993) by Vertigo / DC Comics

A long time ago, in an Age of Innocence called "The Sixties," there was born into the world a floppy, mop-topped Doll Elemental. His friends, themselves a mop-topped bunch, called him Brother Power. Everyone else called him the Geek. His only desire was to spread tidings of peace, love and universal harmony, but the Bosses didn't like it, so they shot him into space. Brother Power returned, but when he got back, he realized that he didn't know America anymore and set out in search of it and also for a particular friend of his, a girl named Cindy. Written by Rachel Pollack, drawn by Michael Allred, cover by Allred and Matt Wagner.

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