Adapted into Comic Books - Public Enemy from 1991
Rock N Roll Comics #19 Public Enemy & 2 Live Crew (April 1991) by Revolutionary Comics
By Todd Loren & Marc Erickson, cover by Stuart Immonen, back cover by Marc Erickson.
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Vintage Ads from 1979 - Green Lantern vs TRICLOPS THREE-EYED KEEPER OF THE CAVE
Comic Books from the 90s - Scud The Disposable Assassin from 1997
Crypto Collectibles presents Color Me Contest Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
While I do like these posts, you've introduced me to a lot of interesting comics I'd never even heard of, is it possible to include a brief synopsis of the story inside?
I'm glad you enjoy the posts. There is times that there are things I haven't even heard of until I got them ready to post no joke lol. I try to include a synopsis of issues when I can find the sale/copy text online, if it isn't available though I just put the artist and writer credits if I am at least able to do that. I think this specific issue is the "origin" story and history of the musical groups Public Enemy and 2 Live Crew.