
Great progress @bryan-imhoff! I love how you describe sketching as a character "study". Is that an industry term? That's what we use to describe character development in performing arts. Thanks for sharing these sketches!

Thank you! I think it is fairly commonly used in the industry. Most anytime you sit down to do some drawings with the purpose of learning rather than producing a finished piece, it’s often referred to as a “study.” But in this case it has even more parallels to the performing arts as studying a character (vs. an object or anatomical structure) is probably for the same reasons of figuring out how that character will perform and act.

Looks like a great character. The Soundberger is awesome. I just googled it because I didn't know that was a real thing. I have never seen one before. Great detail on the skin and clothes.

Thanks! The SoundBurger is a great example of ideas getting better as they “marinate.” In earlier drafts years ago it was just going to be an iPod or regular music player... but when I saw a SoundBurger on a vintage game show it just seemed perfect! I even bought one (non functional) as a decoration/prop. These things are crazy expensive in working order!

You have been kicking some butt dude! Looks like a lot of progress lately and it gives me a lot of inspiration.

I can see how you feel its sort of a stall tactic but I think as long as your drawing its paying off towards the long term goal.

Thanks so much! Y’know, it’s kind of a stall in another sense too... I was cranking out some story pages and then stalled out because they just weren’t going the right direction for me. So while I’m sad at the loss of momentum, ultimately I know it’s better to address the fundamental issues now, rather than 50 pages in!

I like the digitalization seems like digital art and hey but how handsome is Dave ... I thought that what I had in the leg was a mini saw but after a while I realized that it was a mini plays discs.

Yes, it’s an old record player! The fact that it can play when hanging from Dave’s belt is the least of its magical abilities!

excellent, I would like to see the other skills ;)

Nice stuff @bryan-imhoff !!!

Nothing like the smell of freshly sharpend pencil and the feel of paper on your fingers. I've done a little digital art over the years and theres nothing like the good ol' fashion way of drawing. As a tattoo artist, I have to be quick with a sketch to get an idea across to the client. I still scan and clean digitally. Love your work, Following.

Thanks so much and right back at you! Some very nice pieces on your blog, glad you’re here on Steem!

I usually go mechanical pencil so I don’t get that nice faint burning wood scent of a sharpened pencil... but I’ll get by! Digital will still rule the realm of coloring, lettering, and even preliminary layouts for me. But for the actual nitty gritty drawing I’m going back to basics!

You're Welcome and Thanks again. I'm really digging the Steemit community and this block-chain platform. There's some great talent here.
Always a pleasure engaging with other artists, it's valuable to all of us.
Going to invest into a new digital-art pad soon. Really want a 21", any suggestions?

No good suggestions for you. Years ago I splurged on a 24” Cintiq but it recently bit the dust. I am very satisfied with the iPad Pro, but that’s obviously a much smaller device. But that’s what I’ll keep using for the digital parts of my work. The stylus feel and accuracy is superior to the Cintiq model I had. But between the two the “body physics” (I guess you could call it), of drawing is like the difference between a sketchbook and a drafting table.

I'm hearing from other artists as well, the iPad Pro is the way to go. I'm selfish and want more area to draw on. Lol. Thanks for the advice!

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