
Very nice work! My eyes started out with the dog, right in the middle of the page. Awesome foreshortening on that car hood! It is driving straight off the page as my eyes go down, around, and back up again! The dog and the girl with the hair are in excellent view now, love that feeling, spring time is here, RELEASE ME!!!!

Next I started to check out the little details inside the car, which are great. We can see a male peering ahead from the back seat kinda worried, and the gal driving has a very distinct look to her, she is going to be a cool character, I can tell.

My eyes go back down that hood again, swing down, checking out the details in the car grill, didn't get those the first time around. But things change in this composition for me again. I am not going back up the side of that car again, I have already been there twice.

Instead my eyes go from the left headlight, to the telephone pole! There is more going on here. The telephone wires are on fire leading me all the way back to town in beautiful solid black. I can see the colors in the sky already.

I am very excited about this piece. Keep it up! Don't stop!

Good to “see” you again, you haven’t been around much for a couple months! And thanks so much for the detailed analysis. I’m so glad the composition is working for you and it’s giving off the hints of characterization and tone that I’d hoped for. I’ll keep pushing forward!

Good luck! The pencils are forever immortalized in the blockchain! Looking really good, love the graphic feel of the girls hair :)

Thank you! Glad you’re digging the “hair.” I like a kind of art nouveau graphic style anyway, but I also put “hair” in quotes because she’s actually a plant creature, so an unnatural texture is called for as well! It should really come together in the colors... (another step I’m terrified of tackling!)

Ooooh nice! Well definitely looking forward to the color as well. Are you doing that digital or traditionally?

That at least will be digital. However it’s my area of least experience and will be quite important to the look of this story. So, if I’m dissatisfied with my output, it is something I may consider hiring the right person for. We’ll see!

I think you have seen some of my coloring work. Perhaps I should post some more of that stuff. If you ever want to collaborate, hit me up!

Would love to see more stuff posted, and I’ll keep the offer in mind! Thanks!

Ah, so it's Julie with that wild "hair," then?

I think I recall you saying some of this process would be digital. Got a preferred program for it?

The color work will be digital for sure. No set program yet as I’m not that experienced with colors. Photoshop & Clip Studio are both possibilities, but I think I might try Procreate on the iPad Pro first. It’s pretty impressive for color work/digital painting.

Do you already own Photoshop/Clip Studio, or are you just considering which to potentially pick up in case you want to use anything in addition to Procreate?

I have all of them. I’ve only ever done a serious amount of color work in Photoshop so far. Procreate & Clip I could both work on on my iPad which is a bonus.

Welcome back! Looking good!

Thanks, I wasn’t really gone, but my art was hampered somewhat without the desktop. I’ve already grown to love the scanner I recently acquired and missed it!

Very clean page i would personaly add some more dynamic lines like the smal ones in the left corner.

Thank you, and I agree! There’ll be more of that and more detailing in the open field area. I wanted to move ahead to start some inking but will double back to those areas.

Im sure this will be cool.
But i wouldnt put sharp detail in the field, because of the moving dynamic...maybe fading out them going further back, into dynamic lines.💛

That’s a good call, I appreciate the feedback! I’m considering coloring in Procreate which has some interesting depth of field/motion effect possibilities as well. I need to do some experimenting!

Looking forward to it👍👍

If just now ruin an 8 hour job, in general your sketch is great!

Ah yes the scary part of going from pencils to inks :)

Really dig the slickness of car and feel of characters. Hope you can keep the car looking "sleek" in the inks, I got faith!

It’s tough! I’m continuing to relentlessly question my tools & workflow... Just got done a second inking session & I’m already like, ”... maybe I should try this on the iPad again...” 🤔

Glad your computer is back!

Excellent action you have managed to pull off here. I can really feel it as if I am there. Superb perspective and foreshortening. Great line weight - it gives the image extra depth. Also the expressions are spot on!

I'm looking forward to your end result! 👍 🌞


P.S. Let's hope you won't have any more computer's demise for a long time!

Thank you so much and welcome to Steem! Just checked out your first post & I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work. If you have any questions regarding the workings of Steem itself, please don’t hesitate to ask. The learning curve can be a bit steep and while I don’t know everything I do my best to help.

Aw thank you for the warm welcome! 💖

For questions, I'm just scouting around on "tips and tricks for the beginners" - related articles on steemit and just take it one step at a time. :) I like the steep learning curve though - it makes everything more exciting to figure out. Haha. Yup, I'm nuts. I know. ;) I'll hit you up if I'm lost. Of course, please feel free to guide me, I'm open to it (not that you have to)

Anyways - I've been working on my next posts, might be a while though so I bet I'll see your next post before you see mine. 😂 I'm just not used to work in this flow yet.

Dm7 😎

The gal standing up in the back is just perfection, man... that expression !

Thanks! I take every opportunity I have to reference photos of friends and had a great shot to work with there.

I don't know from computers..but that car turned out great!

Thank you! I have to give the computer quite a bit of credit for that. I actually just spent the last few hours diving even further down the rabbit hole of blocking scenes out with 3D model references. That car was one of the early tests a while back & it worked pretty well.

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