First Trip to My New Local Comic Shop... The Origin Story of My Wallet's Arch Enemy!
View this post on Hive: First Trip to My New Local Comic Shop... The Origin Story of My Wallet's Arch Enemy!
View this post on Hive: First Trip to My New Local Comic Shop... The Origin Story of My Wallet's Arch Enemy!
FUN T(R.I.P) !! - ))
... a shirt-less bear FighteR .. tough find - ))
greb'Z )
PumpeD & reSTEEMed - ))
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Dude what the fuck this is walkable distance from your house! Sorry for the swear. What an awesome trip! That Avengers print is soooo nice looking, time to head to Michaels or online somewhere and get a nice frame. Can't wait to read a Hillbilly review! And what a steal at five bucks. Really beautiful and clean looking shop good for the general public. I mean, I prefer the more smellier ones with old carpet floor to soak in the smell of geek, and people playing D&D or Magic in the back, of course this is just the jealousy of that nice shop so close to the house talking.
Edit: Read it wrong, Hillbilly was one of the reg priced books, still worth it ;)
Yep, it's walkable for a non lazy person! There was D&D going on in the back. The main comics wall is basically just a room divider and there are tables/gaming area tucked away behind it. Hillbilly I paid full price for, but the two Modern Masters and the Clandestine hardcover were $5 each. I was eyeing up some Marvel Omnibus volumes at 1/2 price as well as some cool statues and figures to decorate with...
Awesome haul! I don't know why but that Hill Billy cover reaaallly intrigues me.
I'm super lucky, live in Hoboken right next to NYC so I've popped over to buy comics a few times. Most notably for The Sandman Overture issues, which to this day remain my favorite comics of all time.
I've yet to read Overture! I believe I have all the issues around, I picked them up sporadically and was waiting to read them all together. But at the moment I have no clue where they each are. I'm sure I'll be picking up a nice hardcover collection at some point, but I think I'll reread the whole Sandman series as a lead in!
If you've never read anything by Eric Powell, I highly recommend it. He's best known for The Goon and also created Chimichanga.
If you've been looking for a story about a tough as nails wanderer who was born blind, gifted with sight as a witch cut eyes into his head before she murdered his mother, his bloody tears staining his cheeks never to wash away, armed with a cleaver stolen from Satan's kitchen, traversing the hills of Appalachia helping defend the poor folk from the dark things that inhabit the woods, with only a gigantic talking bear named Lucille as his companion... then you found the right thing to read in Hillbilly!
I'm going to guess you haven't been looking for a story with all those criteria... what sane person would be? But it may have piqued your interest and put you on the hunt now!
You have piqued my interest and I am on the hunt now haha.
As for the Sandman yes, I think you will like overture best if you read all the other comics first. The Overture is amazing though and defies reason, it is simultaneously a prequel, sequel, and sidequel to the original sandman story.
Looks like you found a nice clean shop there @bryan-imhoff glad you are settling in after the move.
I love me some Arthur Adams, his work on new mutants special edition I think it was and on xmen when they went to asgard is one of my all time favorites! I want to get original page from one of those books one day.
You made me want to grab this off the shelf... I got it maybe... 26 years ago? The comic that got me into reading comics was an issue of New Mutants during Brett Blevins run, so I not long after got this trade and it probably was my first exposure to Art Adams' work.
Like you, I want to try and find some pages from issues that I have that emotional attachment to.