
On the one hand it sounds like a dream to go to Comic-Con. On the other hand from what I understand it is really expensive and super crowded and full of long lines. I wish I could attend at least once in my life, but I doubt that it will ever happen. But it will be great for you to be there. Next year with your comic :)

I can’t fully comment on the craziness of SDCC in the present, but even back in 2006 I think the experience varied depending on your interests and goals. When I attend any convention I’m not someone who is hunting for show exclusive variants, autographs or celebrity photo ops. That alone saves oodles of cash and hours in line! The collectors and fans who do focus on those areas have a much different experience. I can spend days browsing and conversing at the artist alley and small publisher booths. Sure it’ll still feel like a packed shopping mall at Christmas, but it’s as unscheduled and relaxing an experience as you can get at a con!

They have an exclusive minifigure they are giving away. “Bar” from Stranger Things. I’m upset I won’t be getting that!

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Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!

I've never been one who can do these large-style conventions. Too many people, too much noise. I can tolerate that kind of thing for an hour, maybe two at the most, but after that I need space and quiet, and neither of those is very forthcoming at an event like GenCon or SDCC. :)

Still, I hope you get back there some day, showing off I Thought It Would Be Zombies and all the other mega-successful, multi-platinum indie books you've made! :D


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Yeah, the frustration is real.

Our family has wanted to go for so long. We’ve made it to WonderCon a couple of times, which is still nice (and less crowded).

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Hey dear, how are you? I can understand a bit how you feel when you talk about Comic-Con. For a lover of comics I can understand that this place is like paradise. I would love to be able to attend once, but I know that I would only stay in a dream. But I know that you can attend also has a very important reason, your comic! which you can share with others.
I admire the work that Marvel does, it's fascinating!

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