
I find it incredible that you want to do that every day! @bryan-imhoff
every time we read our brain is enriched by so many things in your case that you are reading comics can help you with creativity or can give you some idea to draw a picture.
like so many books that help us to be better people, to know ourselves, recently a friend spoke about a book that he likes a lot and that he has read in several languages and never tires of reading! that's what the passion for reading does, he likes it so much that it does not matter to read it again
the application helps a lot so you'll know how long you've been doing productive things

I actually like to read things multiple times. It really helps me learn and retain the information, just like how we can all quote movies and TV shows we’ve seen many times!

I still need to begin WayWard. I’m looking forward to it, the series is highly rated, but recently my daily 40 minutes of reading have mostly been not comics related.


I knew I liked Zub’s writing from reading some Skullkickers, and the art, particularly the color palettes caught my eye. As I started reading I realized I’d heard about it before, I believe listening to a podcast last year. It didn’t disappoint. I’ll be getting further volumes.

favourite steemia support.jpg

I'm happy to tell you that I've chosen you for automatic upvotes as part of my new initiative "Jon Magnusson's favourite Steemians support".

This is because I personally has reviewed your content and found it to be something I want to support and encourage and/or the work you do for the Steemit community. I found you thanks to a recommendation from @gvand

If you believe that someone deserves my attention, please leave a comment with a link to some of their work.

I've a huge collection of animated movies based on comics, what would you suggest if I wanna start reading comics?

What are some of the movie titles you've enjoyed? If I know the genres a bit more perhaps I can give you some interesting suggestions!

I think it's great that you want to retake those habits, sometimes technology separates us a lot from reality and that is bad, but these kinds of hobbies are very enriching fill us with new expectations, learning among other things

Good read, it's nice that you are making reading a habit again! I agree about netflix and social media, they really do take us away from reading. Also, I think the problem is, that we are now just used to rushing things! No one thinks they have time for just sitting there with a book 'doing nothing' and that is very sad.
Oh, one more thing- is that app you use for android or ios only?

It looks like the app I use is iOS only. But I think there are many with similar features and intentions to choose from! Welcome to Steem by the way. I enjoyed your intro post very much. Thanks for coming by, reading, and commenting!

Yeah, I looked myself and did not find the one with such interface, hence the question. I guess I'll just have to find some similar app :) and thank you for your feedback!

This post is shining a giant spotlight on the little thing that's been nagging at me, in the back of my mind, for quite some time... I haven't sat down and read a book in a very long time. It's sad, really, because I've always enjoyed it, and had been reading before bed since I was a very young child. There were also days when hubs and I would just lay on the couch/go camping in our trailer in the snow, and just read all day. Since having children, though, I have not made the time. Well, I suppose I do still read, because I read to them every night before bed. But reading "The Cat in the Hat" to my 3 year old is not quite as engaging as sitting down and immersing myself in some Tolkien. 😅 As they get older, and more independent, I am finding more time to devote to the things I used to do, but I feel like I should make a point of getting myself back into the habit now, rather than waiting for someday.

A while ago I was juggling a few books, and never got around to finishing any of them... I want to get back to them, though. I was reading the classic "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Nicholas Nickleby", as well as a biography on Howard Hughes (which I was struggling with, because it was not terribly well-written). I want to get back to those, and I also want to re-read the Watchmen graphic novel.

haha, that copy of A.L. is pretty conspicuous among the others. Thanks for the plug! Yeash. I can't even remember the last time I sat down to read something. I have a book that reprints reporting ( or what passed for reporting) of cases of vampirism in Europe in the late 1800s. It's really interesting...I should figure out where i put the damn thing and start reading it again.

I used to read so much when I was younger but once I hit my junior year of high school and the workload started to become insane, I stopped. And I feel like I haven't been able to start that habit back up again. But luckily I have podcasts and audible & I still get to listen to a ton of stuff so not all hope is lost. I definitely want to check out that productivity app, seems like it might be useful!

That app looks super useful, I need to check it out!

I still read an absolute ton- I average over 100-200 books or so a year. (Being a natural speed reader is handy!) When I was younger, I read even more, however- social media definitely displaced a lot of that.

In my case, I'd be using the app to remind me to exercise every morning, which seems to be my keystone habit.

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