Comic Con in Pauerto Rico

in #comiccon7 years ago

Hello Steemians today I want to share some photos of my first Comic-Con in Puerto Rico with my friends, This was last year. I hope I can go this year!! Everithing was at last moment I dint have money to buy  a custome so I deside to look at leats 10% Jocker, I try I know I try jeje at leats I got the hair right just in case is not a wig is my real hair all mest up by the wing but the came out was good HAHAHA! well lets go to the photos.

This is me as Joker and my best friend Gabriel as Punisher yea we both have the same name. Both Jersey I painted them in airbrush and I love the results.

Me and my best friend wife Heidy as Harley Quinn

We find Green Arrow and you know we had the obligation as fan to stop and take a photo.

 Well I find this beauty sexy Jade and definitely have to stop and had a photo with her before she kick my ass and make me a fatality.

Me and YEA! Voltron!

And look what I found a Resident Evil female Hunk. Yea I'm a fan too!!

Ans the last one me and a bit od Attack on Tittans.

well theses was my favorite ones, and the ones I like to share!

hope all of you like them, and if you do please dont forget to follow, upvote and comments.

thanks for taking your time whatching, upcoting anad cmmenting.


Looks like fun! I'll be heading to Orlando, FL this weekend for MegaCon. Can't wait!

yea! is way to fun its so great! you see about everithing there, arts, props, custome competition vieogames tournaments and more. Haha I havent the oportunity to travel to a Megacon but who knows maybe one day. This year Im not sure yet if I can make it, but Im prety dang sure that next year I will and with a custome!

Megacon is really the only convention I go to. It's almost local (only about an hour away) and so far I've only missed one year since 2000.

wow thats so cool and so close I wish that was my case jeje. when you do share the photos!

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