Comedy Open Mic Round 5 - Words of Wisdom

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

Passing down wisdom, a wise man once told me...
Son you can't just ram it in...


A real man stands his ground...


The wheel turns...


Never drop the soap...


Payback is a bitch...


I would like to nominate @notorious562 and @mattclarke can't recall seeing entries from you two :)


that last guy sure knew how to handle a pecker

Haha oh god that's a good one :)

Look at the intensity on the dark fellas face in the gif above, he looks pretty keen to handle a pecker too!

Very wise man indeed ! Some of these should be a part of the Ten Commandments lol

Lol yeah they should

Ram it in lol, reminds me of the old... what's the difference between jelly and jam.

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