Peaches : Comedy Open Mic Round #16

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

peach-2527208_1920.jpg Image by Couleur on Pixabay

One night, when I was about three or four months pregnant with Evie, @bigdre45 and I were resting in bed, watching tv after having just eaten dinner. We were both tired from work, and I was extra tired from also being pregnant. I suddenly had a craving for the can of peaches in the cupboard, so I asked him to get it for me the next time he went into the kitchen. He said that he would.

I knew I was being lazy. Was I asking too much of him? I mean, after all, he was tired too. But I was growing a human, wasn’t I? It was okay. It’s just peaches. What if he resents me for asking? What if he wants the peaches? It’s the only can we have left. I really want those peaches, though… Is he okay? Is he mad? I hope he’s not mad. I just want those peaches.

Andre stood up to head into the kitchen. I look up at him. “I’m sorry about asking you to get the peaches. I can get them myself…” I start crying. “I’m just so tired!”

The dam broke and the flood of tears released. I cried like someone had just died, or like my life was ending. Over peaches.

Andre sat down to comfort me through the tears, telling me it was okay. He wasn’t mad or anything and he completely understood.

Then it hit me how silly it was that I was crying over peaches. Peaches!! Why was I crying over peaches?

A flip switched in my head, turning my cries into laughter. I laughed like I had just been told the funniest joke in history. In that split second I went from one pregnancy hormone related extreme to the other.

Over peaches.

I hope you enjoyed this anecdote from when I was pregnant with Evie. I would like to nominate @emberfields and @xanderslee for Comedy Open Mic :)


The important question is, did you actually get the peaches?

Good luck in the contest!

Finally! someone asks the important question.

This is wonderful, and it perfectly captures those raging hormone battles! Definitely well written, and thank you for sharing this in PYPT! 😊

I'm always afraid when pregnant women talk about things breaking and floods of anything.

I agree with @alheath. Did you get peaches or not? After the buildup...we need to know.

LOL, yes, I got the peaches! And they were fabulous.

Did you know that Georgia's top agricultural export is peanuts?

South Carolina actually exports more peaches than the Peach State.

#uselesstrivia :P

This is funny. I can relate with your husband.

AHA and Peaches?, jaajaj , Cute anecdote

Pregnancy is a stage where women usually go through that stage and as a man we must be understandable, and cravings are normal at that stage, of course it should be noted that not all fits the same, hahahaha. You always ate peaches? Hahaha, your husband's body for a moment. Can I get rid of the laziness? hahaha

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