**MEET THE NIGERIAN POLICE** 1st entry into Comedy Open Mic Round #12

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

Dont be deceived by the picture you just saw, anyways pictures like that are for magazine purposes not for we citizens that know their true color. Those set of people you see in black custom are not cops, they are corpse.
The Police Force of the so called GIANT OF AFRICA bagged some accolades as the worst police force on earth on the last police ranking.


  • In other countries, police on checkpoint stops a vehicle asks the driver for papers, while Nigerian police stops a vehicle and asks the driver for PAY PASS, just that they pronounce it so fast and it sounds like PAPERS
    Even if you give this useless set of police a chopper to work on air, they will collect bribe from birds. For me, i think the best solution to control the bribery issues is to sew them uniforms without pockets.
  • The first person to call the police wins the case. There is nothing like "Investigation", once someone reports you to the police, you have automatically lost the case.
    Unless you're richer than the person that reported you. They you're automatically innocent and with the right amount of money, you can send the policemen back to go arrest the person that reported you to them.
  • When Nigerian police arrives at a crime scene, the first thing they do is to arrest every guy with dreadlocks and tattoos.
    They don't care if you're just a passerby. You're a prime suspect and the more they arrest, the more money they make, because anybody arrested will surely pay for bailout.
  • The police station in my area closes by 7pm due to security reasons.
    Hahahaha... Well a policeman is someone's father and husband, They all have to return back to their families at the end of the day.
    Well anything that has Disadvantage must surely have Advantage.

    Apart from teaching us how to be very security conscious because we have nobody to watch our back for us. They have also taught us how to settle disputes among ourselves.
    I remember sometime ago, i was driving back from school and somebody jammed me from behind while trying to beat the traffic light but couldn't control his speed, Instead of apologizing, The idiot was busy insulting me while shouting DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?

    Over here in Nigeria, when someone says
    DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? Its a threat
    WHO ARE YOU? Is an insult
    and whenever someone starts a sentence with "With all due respect", just know that you are about to receive the highest disrespect of your life.

    The man repeated the question again, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?
    The he-goat thought he could scare me off with mere threats, after disfiguring my car.
    "Sir with all due respect i don't know who you are and i don't care to know but you better be a panel beater" I replied.
    A policeman that witness the scene came to settle the dispute when the he-goat that jammed me came to his right senses and called me out private, He apologized, begged me not to press any charges and offered me some money. The money he gave me was enough to repair my car tho but i had to accept it tho, not just because he apologized but because i can't have that useless policeman make a fortune out of our misfortune.

I nominate @sir.skillful1 and @jan23com to join the contest


Welcome to Comedyopenmic :)

Glad to hear you at least got some money out of the guy.

Wow... i kinda feel encouraged by your upvote... writing my second entry


punchlines from the beginning to the end!

i laughed, i cried, i laughed again.

The police station in my area closes by 7pm due to security reasons

wonder what Uncle Bubu will think of this.

oh wait, he be jetting to the UK this morning.

oh well

Lol... is that one news? he lives on the plane... writing my second entry tho. this time i will try to write what many people can relate to, and see if i can get better upvotes

Dude am tripping, Nigeria police is legendary you just can dispute it. The NPF is a legit armed robbery squad . They carry guns and harass you with governmental backing . Anyways what do I know . God bless Nigeria.
Falz "you be armed robber your people they SARS"

Oga i was inspired to write this from your post... I could have upvoted it but it was too late...

Over here in Nigeria, when someone says
DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? Its a threat
WHO ARE YOU? Is an insult
and whenever someone starts a sentence with "With all due respect", just know that you are about to receive the highest disrespect of your life.

hahaha this is very much like the US - sounds like the police are very much the same, too. The police are the biggest gang in America - let's all pray the police do not start to form global alliances or we will ALL be screwed! LOL I liked your post and good luck with your entry!

Lol... if the police can protect us, its getting to a point where the citizens will learn to stand up for themselves and protect themselves from the police

When someone here in Australia complains about the police you can guarantee that they are a law breaker and that their complaints about the police are because they keep getting caught breaking it.

That is because for the most part our police force is pretty well managed, i think that police corruption happens everywhere but our cops definitely don't pull cars over and ask for bribes, I think most of the corruption in our police relates to taking payments from bikie drug-dealing gangs.

you should move to Australia the police are nicer

Lol... I would love to move to anywhere that is not Nigeria... am just tired of our police. we keep snapping them doing these things and we spread the pictures on social media but nobody does anything about it

Most police are entrepreneurs wearing company uniforms - kind of like McDonald's, except you get no french fries!

Enjoyed your post. Thanks.

Namste, JaiChai

lol... so the police in your country are also hungry...

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