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RE: Comedy open mic round 19

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

To further complicate the situation I also can't make any penis jokes. This is going to be hard. That was not a dick joke.

I don't think we can let this slide, better luck next time.


If that was a dick joke it was like just the tip or something.

-1 for complaining how hard it was for you
-1 for drawing a dick pic in the comments!
-1 for writing the word penis
-1 for writing the word dick
-3 for saying fuck three times
-50 for mentioning vagina
-100 for complaining you don’t get enough dicks!

You add it up your score out of 5. You didn’t make the grade for wholesome, engine-revving, family-friendly, fun car scene analysis.

All penalties aside, very amusing. I got too distracted by the shoe and pedals thing! Not sure why, but once I started focusing on Statham’s shoes on the clutch/break, his hot factor dropped severely.... Thanks, not!

But you know what that means now right? We expecting video evidence your Dog really drives the car... ;)

Edit: I am joking! I enjoyed it, thought it was obvious! Maybe not...

162 Points For Exceptional Humor - 157= 5.0 highest individual judge score you can get on @ComedyOpenMic!

Does this look like a face that would lie?

Lol. You never said family friendly. I followed the rules i had set on me. You are killing me. Ok , hit me with a scene next week and I will do a G rated review. Stathams is still a bad ass though.

Okay, if you’re still gamed to try your hand at another review, how about this? It doesn’t need to be PG, it just needs to not resort to obvious dick, boob or vag references. There’s plenty of that stuff already, gotta diversify... It doesn’t have to be funny, it’s Mad Max after all...But bonus points for funny and you get to keep funny girl @dj123 very happy. ;)

The point is, can you deliver an interesting review with your mechanical creds?

Sounds good to me.

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